Dowd, Circa 1965

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Nellie Dollin relaxes on her porch at the White Pelican with her puppy dog. Nellie was married and divorced three times. After each breakup she would move back to Drawbridge. She had three sons who would later call her "Shotgun" Nellie after she drove off vandals with a liberal dose of shotgun pellets. In the 1940's she worked in San Francisco, commuting on the "Lark." In the 1950's she was employed at the Elks Club in San Jose and commuted on the "Daylight."

Nellie, like most of the residents, enjoyed "high tide parties." When the tide was up, water would reach the level of her porch, allowing neighbors to boat over, have a party, and then paddle back to their own stilted cabins.

In the 1960's, there were no scheduled train stops at Drawbridge. Nevertheless, Nellie was able to flag the train down by waving a handkerchief.

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