San Jose Police Foundation

For immediate release:

"To protect and serve" is the motto of many police departments. But who serves the police?

A group of volunteers is answering that question in San Jose by forming the San Jose Police Foundation, a non-profit organization similar to foundations in such other large cities as Los Angeles and San Diego.

"I am pleased to be a part of helping establish the San Jose Police Foundation that will mirror what most other urban cities have had for years," said Pat Dando of the San Jose Silicon Valley Chamber of Commerce. "This foundation will give our businesses and neighbors an opportunity to provide monetary support to augment the city's public safety budget. As city budgets grow tighter, there are crime-fighting tools that will not be funded. Perhaps we can work together to help close that gap."

"The establishment of the San Jose Police Foundation will help the department expand its role in the community," agreed Bill Del Biaggio of Heritage Bank of Commerce, one of the group's founders. "Funds raised by the foundation will help our residents to see and learn that our officers have another side to them that is not often seen. Great work can be done through the efforts of our department."

Police Chief Rob Davis expressed his appreciation for the efforts of the volunteers. "We are extremely grateful to those in our community who have come forward to serve on the founding board of the San Jose Police Foundation," he said. "I would like to thank in advance all of those in our community who will be supporting our efforts through the foundation, and I am grateful that we live in a place where the relationship between the men and women serving on our local police department can enjoy such trust and confidence from those they serve."

The initial fundraising effort of the foundation will focus on providing trauma kits for each officer on patrol. The kits contain first-aid materials that can be used by the officers to provide early care for those in need and for the officers themselves should the occasion arise. The foundation also plans to raise funds in support of the Police Activities League, the department's outreach program for the community's youth. Particularly pressing is the need to rehabilitate the PAL football, baseball and boxing facilities located near the crossroads of Highways 101 and 680.

The Foundation's board of directors, which still is being expanded, include Dando, Del Biaggio, Brenna Bolger, David Burke, Rob Coelho, Jim Cunneen, Rich de la Rosa, Hugh Hall, Ryan Hubris, Bryan Jarvis, Rolston Johnson, Beverly Lenihan, Anita MackFarland, Patty Nation, Joe O'Kane, Tim Quigley, Jason Rodriguez, Mark Walker and Leigh Weimers.

For more information, contact Scott Cornfield at the San Jose Police Foundation, 310 S. First St., San Jose, CA 95113; telephone: (408) 291-5257; online

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