Thursday, October 16, 2008

+ Event
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Cupertino Square Farmers Market

Cupertino Square9am-1pm

An open-air market of local vendors. Free.


Craft Rave

A Work of Heart6pm-midnight

Craft the night away in the art lounge. Supplies and tools provided.


Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous

St Justin Catholic Church7:30am

A weekly program for individuals recovering from addictive eating and anorexia based on the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. Free.


Call for Volunteers

Call for detailscall for details

History San Jose is looking for anyone who has knowledge of the art of Marques E. Reitzel, owns any of his pieces or is interested in contributing…


Downtown Farmers Market

San Pedro Square10am-2pm

In its 16th season, the market features fresh produce and local goods. Thru Dec 12. Free.


Evergreen Senior Nutrition Program

Call for detailsnoon-1pm

This program offers nutritious meals, socialization opportunities and special events for seniors. $2-$5 suggested donation.


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