Danny WoolSF Station Writer |
| NAGLEE PARK is old California at its finest, when San Jose was all orchards and vineyards. NAGLEE PARK is old California at its finest, when San Jose was all orchards and vineyards. In fact, Naglee Park was once a vineyard, belonging to Union Gen. Henry Morris Naglee. The land was sold off by his heirs, and the foundations for Naglee Park were laid. Today, a few homes predate the 1906 earthquake, but most of the homes along the tree-lined lanes are pushing the century mark. One of the oldest surviving homes is located at 68 S. 13th St. Built in 1902, this two-bedroom, 1.5-bath home is a prime example of Arts and Crafts–period construction—a classy turn-of-the-century exterior, with all the modern conveniences inside. More » |  | | Strict Speed Limits Around Trace Elementary; New Twist in Facebook Lawsuit; Two Stabbings in San Jose [b]Blakeslee Takes Maldonado’s Seat[/b]
The Republican Party maintained its minority power in the state legislature in yesterday’s election, with Sam Blakeslee defeating Democrat John Laird for the District 15 Senate seat long held by Abel Maldonado. More » |  | | Back to School; El Palo Alto Redwood Tagged; Vandalism in District 7 Race; Muslim Community Rallies for Pakistan [b]Election Today Could Seal Fate of Budget[/b]
Voters will be going to the polls today in parts of Santa Clara County to decide who will replace Abel Maldonado, who recently became Lieutenant Governor.
The seat is being contested by Democrat John Laird (D-Aptos) and Republican Sam Blakeslee (R-San Luis Obispo). A victory by Laird would bring the Democrats just one seat short of the two-thirds super majority they need to pass a state budget. More » |  | | Good News for California Schools; Local Kids Get Stuffed Backpacks; Apple Employee Indicted [b]Layoffs at El Camino Hospital[/b]
It’s hard to understand what’s really going on at El Camino Hospital. Last month, the medical center reported a $7.9 million deficit for the 2009-2010 fiscal year, but according to a new report, released in advance of this week’s board meeting, the hospital is in the black to the tune of $36.6 million. More » |  | | Fast Trains and Nazis; Oracle Sues Google; Minaret Gets Go-ahead; Safety Questions Following Trace Fire [b]San Jose Receives Biogas Grant[/b]
In 2009, San Jose decided that one of the best ways to become energy independent was to be the first city in the U.S. to generate its electricity through an organics-to-energy biogas facility. This vision will come a step closer when the city receives a $1.9 million grant from the California Energy Commission to construct a biomethane production demonstration project. More » |  | | The Case of the Giant Emerald; County's Creeks and Rivers Need Help; Salad Recall [b]Heritage Rose Garden: The Best[/b]
The San Jose Municipal Heritage Rose Garden has a long and troubled past—the garden was placed on probation just five years ago by All-America Rose Selections, a nationwide association of rose growers. Yesterday, San Jose’s was named “America’s Best Rose Garden.” It’s quite an achievement, considering that parks and gardens have been pruned in the budget during these difficult economic times. More » |  | | Governor Drops by to Talk Budget; Shots Fired during Robbery; It’s a Homebuyers Market [b]Mosque Debate Begins in Santa Clara Too[/b]
To be fair, passions are not quite as high as they are in New York, or even in those bastions of Islamic America, Murfreesboro, Tenn.. Nevertheless, Santa Clara’s own mosque could get some attention Wednesday night, when plans to construct a 64-foot minaret come before the city’s planning commission. More » |  | | Reed Endorses Pegram; Aliens in Santa Clara; Happy Meal Toy Ban Goes into Effect [b]Google and Verizon Announce New Vision for the Internet[/b]
Bloggers across the internet are suggesting that Google has replaced its corporate logo of “Do no evil” with the somewhat more ominous “Do no evil on wireline.” It comes in response to the announcement by Google and Verizon that they envision a two-tiered internet for the future, where ISPs (such as Verizon) could offer their clients “premium Internet bundles” for a price. In many ways it’s like network television versus cable: sure you can watch Law and Order for free, but if you want to watch Entourage, you have to pay for it. More » |  | | Global Warming and Soot; Crackdown on Cellphone-Using Drivers; The Buzz at HempCon [b]San Jose No. 2 on Business Travel List[/b]
The National Business Travel Association has listed San Jose as the second most friendly place for business travelers in the U.S., topped only by Orange County. At a time when state and local governments are searching desperately for anything they can find to increase their revenue, San Jose has some of the lowest taxes on everything from hotel stays to car rentals to eating meals out. More » |  | | Google Fights Age Discrimination Case; Mistrial Declared in Murder Case [b]A Sunny Day for Power Integrations[/b]
San Jose-based Power Integrations is doing more than its part to cut down greenhouse gas emissions. The company, which produces high-voltage circuits enhance the energy-efficiency of a wide range of electronic products has decided to go solar itself, and has just launched a $3.6 million photovoltaic installation in its parking lot. More » |  |