Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. LibraryRegular Hours
THE ART OF REMEMBRANCE ALTAR EXHIBIT: DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. LIBRARY An exhibit of tradtional and contemporary altars by local artists…
Teske's Germania5pm
Complementing their traditional German fare during Oktoberfest at Teske's Germania in downtown San Jose will be a series of weekend performances…
Poor House Bistro6pm - 9pm
You can visit http://www.poorhousebistro.com/events.html to keep up with our current event schedule
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library4:30pm
San Jose State University's School of Journalism and Mass Communications is awarding CNN's International Correspondent Sara Sidner the 2015…
KALEID Gallery 12pm - 7pm
Milpitas-based comic artist Donny Foley will present his new show, "Donbon's Fairy Tales," along with his book of the same name, as part of…
San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles12pm
Transformation: Art From Within is an illuminating exhibit that affirms how art enables incarcerated men and women in Santa Clara County to…
M.A.C.L.A. (Movimiento de Arte y Cultura Latino Americana)7pm
MACLA opens its 2015-16 season with Found in Translation, with works by award-winning, California-based artists Pilar Aguero-Esparza, Aaron…
(408) 998-2783 x 28
Guest Curated by Roderick Kiracofe Found includes vintage quilts from Roderick Kiracofe's collection as well as pieces from the collection…
Japanese American Museum of San Jose12pm - 4pm
In order to honor those who fought for America, even as their own families were interned during WWII, San Francisco photographer and writer…
San Jose Museum of ArtTimes vary
This exhibition will feature highlights from the collection of Barbara and Dixon Farley. SJMA recently received 44 works of art from the collection,…
The Bay Area has long been an important center for pioneering clay movements. In the 1960s, ceramic artists radically rethought traditional…
Originally a painter, contemporary artist William Wegman became well known for photographs of his Weimaraners. Categorized as a minimalist and…
Covert Operations explores the work of a generation of artists who came of age in the violent and uncertain decade following the 9/11 terrorist…