Yank Sing

101 Spear St., San Francisco , CA
Yank Sing Website
Restaurants, Chinese Restaurants
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Once the best dim sum joint in the city, Yank Sing has fallen off a tiny bit since its move from the Financial District. The food is still wonderful, but you'll pay dearly for it, with the bill topping $75 for a lunch for two. If you can afford to eat there, make sure to get the sliced Peking duck, served with plum sauce and scallions on a steamed bun. Don't miss the fried crab claw, minced squab, stuffed mushrooms or snow pea dumplings--and try to visit at the beginning of the month, when the chef tries out new delicacies on an eager crown. A great place to take clients, coworkers or your mom, Yank Sing excels at offering exquisite little plates in an elegant setting. Good for weddings and banquets. Takeout counter available for to-go orders.

- Excerpt from Tamar Love's article SF Dim Sum Review
