Watson Chiropractic
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- 2425 California St, Mountain View , CA
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- 6509691032
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- Health & Wellness, Chiropractors
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About Peninsula Wellness Centre
We've been delivering quality chiropractic and wellness care to the San Francisco Bay Area since 1978.
We accept Blue Shield insurance and also work with Medicare. Family Plans are available.
Our approach is simple. We believe that health is among our most valuable possessions. And while we generally meet people after they’ve lost their health our commitment is two fold:
Relief Care
Relief or wellness care. it's your choice.
When many people seek care in our office they have one goal: relief. So that’s where we start! During this initial stage of intensive care we have several obligations:
Uncover the underlying cause of the health problem
Suggest a care plan to produce the fastest results possible
Offer ways patients can participate in their recovery
Explain the value of post symptomatic wellness care
Wellness Care
We encourage our patients to achieve the highest levels of health they can. Through educational opportunities we hope to communicate the value of ongoing chiropractic care. Our desire is to see our practice members abandon the prevailing sickness care model of health in favor of the emerging wellness model.
You’re the Boss
Regardless of your health goals, please understand that we see ourselves as mere servants. You’re the boss! It’s your body your health and your future. Our job is to offer you the finest chiropractic care possible and it’s up to you to decide how much of it you want.
Sound interesting? Please contact our Mountain View office to make an appointment today.
Take time out to invest in your body's health and future. Find the program that suits your body's needs.
Our Treatments
We use a number of highly effective adjusting approaches to help improve spinal biomechanics and reduce nervous system interference. The approach we use is based on our judgment and years of experience.
The primary adjusting techniques we use include:
Diversified Chiropractic adjusting technique.
Think of an adjustment as tuning a piano adjusting each string so it produces the perfect tone.
After identifying which spinal bones have lost their normal motion or position a specific manual thrust is administered to free up stuck joints stabilizing nerve and muscle imbalances and correcting vertebral misalignments called subluxation.
Activator Methods
This is a system of spinal evaluation combined with a handheld adjusting instrument that delivers a consistent low force thrust for gentle non invasive correction of the vertebral misalignment.
Thompson Terminal Point technique is a system of analysis and a special table that reduces the amount of energy needed to adjust your spine.
This equipment utilizes technology developed by Nasa. MyoVision has the unique capability of quantifying the electrical activity of the various muscle groups. It is used to diagnose neuro-muscular abnormalities.
Proellixe Vibration
Whole body vibration is an effective way to tone muscles, burn fat increase lymphatic drainage, reduce cellulite and increase serotonin levels. This amazing technology works with your body by sending small rapid vibrations throughout your body passively stretching your muscles. As a result your body responds with resistance causing muscle fibers to contract stretch and increase muscle tone without producing lactic acid.
Atm Back Project
The Atm or Active Therapeutic Movements is a unique system that isolates specific areas that need to be strengthened and stretched. The Atm therapy works by isolating neuromuscular activity to the injured nerves and muscles that cause pain and stiffness. It re educates
the function of the impaired muscle activity, resulting in immediate reduction of pain and improved range of motion.
Cold Light Laser
Cold Light Laser therapy has been utilized in Chiropractic treatment for the last twenty years. The low level light laser reaches the injured tissue reducing cellular edema and
inflammation of cells causing improved cellular function and healing of injured tissues caused by sprains and strains. We have found that the use of the laser reduces healing time and regains normal function to the injured area.
What to Expect
You will immediately feel at home the moment you walk in the door.
If you’ve ever gone to a social event where you didn’t know anyone you know how uncomfortable that can make you feel. Our goal is to eliminate every shred of apprehension and make you feel at home.
Since chiropractic care involves a series of visits with each one building on the ones before it’s important that our relationship can go the distance. We’ve found that one of the best ways to have successful patient relationships is to explain everything in advance. No surprises.
The more you understand who we are what we do and why we do it the better results you’ll enjoy. It’s as simple as that.
So, check us out here. Get to know us. Then contact us to make an appointment so we can get to know you.
First Visit. To find out if we can help you, we ask questions and listen.
Second Visit. We’ll report what we found and answer all your questions.
Regular Visit. A typical visit will be much shorter but just as important!
Zerona Technology
Zerona is a non-invasive body contouring procedure using the Erchonia Laser Scanner. The multi-site clinical trial conducted by Erchonia to validate the process focused on the abdomen, hips and thighs. The Zerona low-level laser therapy is approved for use on these target areas. The patient lies on a comfortable table for 20 minutes on each side while the lasers are applied to the target areas simultaneously.
Cold Laser and Low Level Treatment Technology
The following is another example of scientific proof of the Erchonia lasers effect on adipocytes. All of the Sem, Tem, Mri and all other research of this website was done using an Erchonia laser.
The research represented below was done in the Us using an Erchonia laser and shows time released photography of one fat cell and its contents being emptied. Please note the cell is still alive. Erchonia only uses its own research to prove its patent pending applications.
Zerona is the first non invasive body contouring procedure to effectively remove excess fat without the negative side effects associated with surgical methods. Zerona utilizes the same cold laser technology developed by Erchonia which has been shown to emulsify fat and allow it to move to interstitial space. Although this technology was originally utilized to help assist tumescent liposuction procedures it was found that the cold laser treatment alone helped patients to reduce inches from their waist hip and thighs.
The cold laser technology behind the Zerona procedure was shown to exclusively release the cellular contents of fat cells while leaving the capillaries and other cells within the interstitial space intact. The release of the fat cell contents is the result of the disruption of the cell’s membrane. This membrane disruption called a transitory pore is the result of low-level laser stimulation.
Prior to laser exposure, fat cells have a regular cluster shape. Within minutes of low level laser exposure fat cells begin to develop transitory pores as indicated by arrows. This pore allows the evacuation of the cell’s contents into extracellular space. Once the contents of the fat cell have been emptied they are released into interstitial space where it can be passed through the body during its normal course of detoxification.
Through a double blind randomized multi site and placebo controlled study the Zerona procedure is proven to be an effective non-invasive cold laser weight loss and body contouring procedure. On average patients lost on average 3.64 inches from the circumference of their waist hip and thighs whereas the placebo group only lost an average of a half of an inch.
The Zerona cold lasers provide patients with a safer alternative to surgical procedures which can result in bruising swelling and damage to other tissues. There is no need to wear compression garments or bandages with Zerona and since there is no pain there is no need for anesthesia. Unlike other non-invasive approaches, Zerona low-level lasers do not rely on heating tissue which can cause discomfort. There is no downtime, so patients can resume their normal activities immediately.
Diet and Nutrition
Amazing, Safe and Effective Weight Loss Plan
Dr. Watson works with his patients to reach their weight loss and fitness goals.
Through research of many different approaches to diet he has found that the Hcg Select Plan is the most effective diet for lasting results. He knows this from personal experience.
Dr. Watson lost 24 pounds that had slowly crept up over the years. He feels the energy and stamina he felt when he was 20 years younger. His wife Georgia also lost weight on the Hcg Select diet plan. Even though she exercised and ate well her metabolism had slowed down over the years and she couldn't take off 5 pounds to save her life! With this diet plan she lost 30 pounds! Her metabolism is reset so that she isn't constantly worrying about putting on weight and she feels better than ever with more energy than she's had in 10 years.
What is Hcg and how does it work?
Hcg stands for human chorionic gonadotropin. It is a hormone that is produced in large quantities in pregnancy. (Both men and women have male and female hormones, so this program is just as effective and successful for men) Hcg is responsible for making the abnormal fat reserves of the body available to be burned as fuel. In pregnancy it is used to protect the nutritional health of the growing baby; however in conjunction with this program it is used to rid the body of the abnormal fat deposits. Hcg helps to stave off any hunger pangs that a restricted diet may cause. With the introduction of Hcg thousands of extra calories begin to flood the system from the abnormal fat being metabolized. For this reason Hcg diets are easier to stick to than a traditional healthy diet that simply restricts calories. We use a proprietary blend of Hcg Select with added herbs and hormones to allow your body to access and metabolize stored fat for energy while breaking the cycle of cravings and hunger. Our homeopathic Hcg Select is delivered to your system in drop form
Contact our office today to see if you are a candidate for this effective weight loss program. The program is easy to follow and you will be amazed with the results.