Vung Tau Restaurant

535 E Santa Clara St, San Jose , CA
+1 408.288.9055
Vung Tau Restaurant Website
Restaurants, Vietnamese Restaurants
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Vietnamese. Recently remodeled in warm earthy tones with and wood and bamboo details, Vung Tau Restaurant celebrates its 20th year serving traditional Vietnamese food. Shrimp and pork spring rolls are a staple, as is green papaya salad, both of which Vung Tau restaurant does well. Grilled dishes and sweet and sour fish soup are great, too.


2009 BEST OF SILICON VALLEY Reader Survey Winner - First Place
Best Vietnamese

2008 BEST OF SILICON VALLEY Reader Survey Winner - Second Place
Best Thai/Vietnamese Coffee

As one of Silicon Valley's most revered Vietnamese restaurants, it's not surprising Vung Tau would make such a great cup of Vietnamese coffee. Strong, sweet and dense, the coffee is a memorable coda to your meal.

-- Metro, Silicon Valley's Weekly Newspaper, September 24, 2008

2007 BEST OF SILICON VALLEY Reader Survey Winner - Runner-up 
Best Vietnamese
— Metro, Silicon Valley's Weekly Newspaper, September 26, 2007
