Veksler Academy of Music and Dance

1710 Miramonte Ave, Mountain View , CA
+1 408.616.7777
Veksler Academy of Music and Dance Website
Music, Galleries, Education, Arts & Crafts Education, Dance Lessons, Music Classes
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 Veksler Academy of Music & Dance was established to bring exceptional music instruction to Sunnyvale - Cupertino area. In cooperation with our first rate Dance Program we offer a wide range of options for children to adults.


Many of the parents choose the school because in addition to having excellent teachers and programs it is possible to have one child in music lessons while another child is in dance classes.

The beautiful air-conditioned facility features 13 music rooms and a specious dance studio with "floating" professional dance floor. It is usually possible to get 2, 3 or even 4 different students in different lessons during the same time period. Many parents and kids are so busy that saving 45 minutes or an hour of commuting time per week between activities really helps the typical busy family's schedule.

One of the unique features of the Veksler Academy of Music and Dance is that it offers private piano lessons for children as young as 3 1/2 years old. The school has developed a special approach to teaching these youngsters in a fun yet professional way. Children at this age learn how to play piano from their first lesson, then from song to song they learn how to express emotions through the music, how to make songs better, how to read notes and finally get their songs ready for a recital.

All of the music teachers hold a university degree in the instrument they teach, and many have master's degrees. Some of the current teachers are completing doctorate degrees and are also on staff at local universities. The music school handles everything from 3-year-old beginners to extremely advanced, university level students. Due to the number of teachers on staff, the students are matched up with teachers that best meet their needs and who relate well to them.

Music classes are taught in piano, violin, cello, guitar, flute, clarinet, saxophone, voice and drums. A large number of students choose to take the prestige CM test, conducted by Music Teachers' Association of California. The main focus is on helping students gain the skills they need to enjoy music long after music lessons are over.
