The Blank Club presents
Unknown Hinson
- When
- Tue Jun 12, 2012
- Where
- The Blank Club
- Time
- 7pm
- Cost
- $18 - $20
- Tags
- Music, Live Music Clubs
If there you notice any striking similarities between country singer Unknown Hinson and cartoon character Early Cuyler, one of the redneck squid on Adult Swim's Squidbillies, it's because they are both characters played by Stuart Baker. They have many of the same interests: raising hell, hard liquor and bedding women-folk. While Early Cuyler is obviously a character, Unknown Hinson isn't quite as obvious. Well, the fake sideburns and "missing tooth" are pretty strong indicators, but Baker's relentless commitment to staying in character, on and off stage, blurs the experience a little bit. He plays silly comedic country songs that his character is dead serious about, which makes it all the more hilarious. And he really can play a mean gee-tar. - Aaron Carnes sanjose.comMore Info
- Link
- Call
- 408.29.BLANK