Photograph by Eric Carlson

"... Gorgeous industrial architecture, bare bones tin and corrugated siding, big scale, gantries and factory sash."

 Alan Hess

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Well, I almost didn't get here in time. As you can see, it's coming down fast. The photo reveals an "Industrial Cathedral" inner core.

This is the former home of the FMC Corporation (now United Defense LP). FMC made food-processing machinery as well as the Bradley Fighting Machine, an "amphibious" troop carrier that sank like a stone upon entering water. In addition to pumps not working, FMC welders weren't allowed enough time to do the proper welding and so would simply fill gaps with putty.

A whistle blower recently won $100 million dollars from FMC. FMC maintains a staunch, Clintonesque denial of any wrongdoing despite thousands of documents to the contrary.

The land, 10-acres, is located on West Julian, just west of Highway 87. The buildings have been abandoned since the 1980's. Sobrato Development plans to build a three to four-building office complex totaling 300,000 square feet.

I am having a bit of trouble getting on the bandwagon here. Perhaps I need more educating, but these buildings do appear to be better off gone than rehabilitated. I can buy into the Montgomery Hotel being salvaged, but These are big, old, ugly warehouse suckers badly in need of the wrecking ball.

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