Photograph by Eric Carlson

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The Lobby Lounge in all its ostentatious glory. The very place I received poor service from a cocktail waitress eight years previous.

Encounter With Bellgirl

Inside the lobby, I walked past a female bellhop and, as I sometimes do, said good morning. I suspect she interpreted this as aberrant behavior because she gave me the stink eye. I walked on, looking for examples of crassness and delightful excess to capture with my trusty Minolta.

Out of nowhere the bellgirl appeared at my side, stern and expressionless, she asked me what I was doing. I told her I was looking for the Good, Bad, and Ugly of the Fairmon. "What's bad about it?" she answered. Before I could respond with a witty bon mot, she swiveled about smartly and walked away in a huff.

Undaunted, I continued my quest within the ersatz, glitzy castle. The soulless confines leeching away my soul with every step.

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