Jeff Poskanzer, 1986, Jeff's homepage

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Aerial view of Drawbridge - 1986. Drawbridge had two distinct neighborhoods, a north side, depicted in photo, and a south side. The two sides did not get along.

"Mothers at the north end warned their kids not to go down to the "bad" end of town. The north end admitted to being "cliquey." The south end felt the north end was pretty "stuck up." The south end of town was where most of the Catholics settled - people of Irish, Portuguese, French, Italian, and a few of German background. At the north end lived the Protestants, mostly of English and a few of German background."
O.L. "Montey" Dewey

"We were kinda clique. All of us stayed up here, stayed up here and we didn't mix much with those down there, cause they were mostly Portuguese or French people. But no, they weren't wild, no wilder'n anybody else."
Nellie Dollin

"Well there was some out-and -out feuding, like Bill Holden and his brother Lou. They went for years without speaking, shielding their faces with a newspaper."
Charlie Luce

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