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Stop Paying BIG Commissions!!

At TIMELINE, we are endeavoring to bring real change and real savings to our clients, right now.  We believe that the big corporate real estate brokerages are ineficient and have unnecessarily driven up the costs of buying and selling real estate.  Accordingly, we have developed a new business model that cuts those costs, embraces the changing market, and saves our clients thousands of dollars on each transaction.

For sellers, instead of charging a commission for our services, we will apply an hourly rate based on the purchase price.  We then limit the accrual of those fees at either 1.5% or 3%, depending on whether your specific agent represents only you or both you and buyer.  This is a potential savings of over 50% of the industry standard commission.

For buyers, whenever your TIMELINE agent represents you in purchasing real estate from any other agent, your agent will apply up to 1% of the purchase price toward your closing costs plus other options, such as a home warranty plan, or will rebate the 1% at the close of escrow. 

To learn more, do not hesitate, call us today!
