Team In Training (The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society)

Suite 1100, 675 N. First Street , San Jose , CA
+1 408.271.2873
Team In Training (The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society) Website
Running, Sports & Recreation, Organizations, Health Organizations
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If crossing the finish line after running or walking 26.2 miles or 13.1 miles, cycling 100 miles or completing a triathlon while helping cure deadly diseases are things you've always wanted to accomplish, The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Team In Training® will make them happen.
Join the thousands of runners, walkers, cyclists and triathletes who will participate in the world's major marathons, half marathons, centuries and triathlons this year on behalf of the Society.   As the largest endurance sports training program in the world, we will provide you with the experience of a lifetime, including:

Coaching and training
Travel to a major marathon, half marathon, century or triathlon in exciting locations
The opportunity to make your athletic goals a reality (an unbeatable offer with great personal rewards)

A connection with an honored patient so you know just who and what you're doing it all for

In exchange for training and support, you help raise money towards cures for blood cancers like leukemia -- the No. 1 disease killer of children -- lymphoma and myeloma.
How serious is blood cancer? Every five minutes, someone in the United States learns that he or she has leukemia, Hodgkin or non-Hodgkin lymphoma or myeloma. Every ten minutes, someone dies of a blood cancer.
Our athletes have walked away with new friends, amazing accomplishments and the sense that they did something even more important than getting in good shape.
