Swedish Consulate Geni

120 Montgomery St, San Francisco , CA
(415) 788-2631
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The Consulate General of Sweden in San Francisco is open to the public every weekday between 9 am and 12:00 noon. Telephone hours are 9 am to 12 noon and 1 pm to 3 pm.

US citizens do not need a visa for a visit to Sweden of up to 90 days per year. For other nationals, please refer to the website of the Consulate General in New York. Visa forms can be downloaded directly from that site

The San Francisco Consulate issues temporary passports, Swedish residence permits based on personal connections, certifies translations of birth certificates, and distributes forms for renewals of Swedish passports, driver's licenses and other documents. Regular Swedish passports are processed through the Swedish Consulate General in New York. The Consulate also counsels visitors from Sweden who find themselves in emergency situations.
