Sueann Mark, Ph.D.

Not Published, San Francisco , CA
Sueann Mark, Ph.D. Website
Education, Sex Education
Mon (9am-7pm)
Tue-Wed (Closed)
Thu-Fri (9am-7pm)
Sat-Sun (Closed)


Let me be your guide on the path to sexual empowerment. I can give you the tools to make your sex life all you want it to be and support you as you integrate body, mind, emotions and lifestyle into a fulfilling sexual whole. I work in-person or by telephone with individuals and couples of any variety.

I provide the following services:
• Personalized sexuality information and education
• Specific behavioral suggestions
• Sexual attitude reframing
• Resources and referrals

Our work will focus on various aspects of your sexuality:
Body - Sexual response cycle, sexual anatomy, medical issues, body image issues

Emotions - Feelings that can amplify or detract from sexual pleasure

Mind - Thoughts of performance pressures and/or body image concerns. What you tell yourself about participating in different sexual activities or having particular sexual desires or fantasies.

Lifestyle - Family and work obligations that impact your energy and enthsiasm for sex
