Strength Of A Spiral

1441 Grant Ave, San Francisco , CA
Strength Of A Spiral Website
Personal Trainers, Sports & Recreation
Mon-Fri (8am-8pm)
Sat (8am-3pm)
Sun (n/a)
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If you want to truly improve the way your body looks, feels and moves, you need to train your body in a variety of styles. Give your body flexibility, stability, strength, agility and power by truly cross training.

GYROTONIC® - While it can appear appear to be complicated, requiring the gumby-like bodies of a waifish ballet dancer, GYROTONIC® is great for every body type. Even for a person who hasn't been in contact with their body for years and feels  stiff, weak and tired, from the very first GYROTONIC® session  the body will feel different, healthier, more open and mobile.  The first thing you'll feel through doing GYROTONIC® is an opening of your muscles and joints. That's the obviouspart and it feels great. Once your body has started to open up and your joints are moving in ranges of motion they forgot existed, you'll start to feel the second major aspect  of the work, which is connected, coordinated and strong  movements. The most simple motions you do at home, like reaching for a mug for your morning coffee, are not isolated motions.  When you reach up to grab that mug, you're not reaching just  with your arm, nor is your arm what initiates the movement.  Everything starts in your center, in your core. Through GYROTONIC® training, you'll start  to feel those connections from your pelvic bowl (hips) to your finger tips. Every motion becomes easier, smoother,  more graceful and stronger.

PERSONAL TRAINING - Using a personal trainer isn't just about having someone count your reps or keep track of the weight When I'm training a client, we're working through a systematic progression of training modes ensuring all of the functional systems of your body will be worked in a balanced manner. It isn't just about stronger or bigger muscles, there is also posture, balance, the stability of your joints, the strength of your core, your ability to generate power and one of my favorites, learning to breathe correctly. Not only will all of these things help you feel and perform at your best but it keeps your workout from getting stale and boring.
