Steady Hand Painting Professionals

PO Box 516, Walnut Creek , CA
+1 925.818.7500
Steady Hand Painting Professionals Website
Home & Garden, Painters
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Steady Hand Painting Professionals (licensed under Ryan Creelman - 953050) is a full-service residential and commercial painting company in Contra Costa County serving California's East Bay area. We have a combined experience of more than 20 years in the field. We offer a wide array of services to meet your needs and those of your friends, family and clients.

We primarily work with REALTORS®, Property Mangers (including on-site General Managers and Maintenance Managers) and Resident Managers on rental and sale properties. We have done projects as small as paint touch-up on a wall to projects as large as painting the exterior of 50 two story townhouse buildings or painting a metal perimeter fence around a 100 building complex. We feel that getting the small things functioning and a well applied, fresh coat of paint on a property is the easiest and most cost-effective way to increase curb appeal to get a property rented or sold.

In the course of working with real estate professionals, we have been referred to and worked with many homeowners and tenants, and understand the unique needs of all types of clientele. We have even painted many of our real estate client's personal residences. So if you are a homeowner or tenant in need of some help with your residence or office, please feel free to contact us as well.
