Seven Lights Massage Therapy

61 Valley St., San Francisco , CA
Seven Lights Massage Therapy Website
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Our bodies have incredible potential, and so naturally aren't always at their best.  It seems all too easy for any kind of stress to alter our posture, flexibility, digestion, mental clarity, and overall health.  When we ignore signals that tell us we're out of balance, we lose touch with ourselves in significant ways.  We know we could feel better, but forget what better feels like.

Therapeutic bodywork can reset our bodies, so we can truly live to our full potential.  Don't wait to feel better - rediscover your light!

Ashley Ross is a Certified Massage Therapist, and graduate of National Holisitc Institute in San Francisco, specializing in energy-based deep tissue work.  Customizable 50, 80 and 120 minute sessions can include other modalities, such as Shiatsu, Thai, myofascial release, prenatal, sports, reflexology and aromatherapy. Book your session today!
