Saratoga Independence Day 2011

Mon Jul 4, 2011
Kevin Moran Park
City Events, Holiday Festivals, Parades


An all-volunteer event first organized in 2003, the Saratoga July 4th program is an annual, old-fashioned Independence Day observance that celebrates our nation's birthday with a patriotic family program intended to unite our diverse community, and to remind us of our founders and freedoms.

The budget is kept small, thanks to donations of time, services, and funds by area residents, but the event typically hosts 600 to 800 guests, including civic leaders, veterans, seniors, families, children, and new citizens.

Attendees are reminded of the sacrifices and patriotic leadership that created this nation. We celebrate the Declaration of Independence, that announced our freedom from tyranny, and that "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

The program includes stirring patriotic songs, a community band, recognition of our military, a few short speeches, community group participation, ceremonial ringing of the liberty bell, and concludes with a short, old‐fashioned parade around the park.

Come and celebrate the birth of America and our freedoms. Everyone is encouraged to wear patriotic colors and carry a flag. Children are encouraged to decorate their bikes and pets with red, white, and blue. Veterans are encouraged to wear their uniforms. Parking is limited so come early!

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  1. Kevin Moran Park
    12415 Scully Avenue, Saratoga, CA