Red Victorian Bed & Breakfast, and Peace Arts Cafe

1665 Haight St., San Francisco , CA
+1 415.8641978
Mon (9am-9pm)
Tue-Sun (n/a)
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Eat, sleep, interact and communicate. A place combining the elements of a peaceful livelihood, the Red Vic Peace Center offers its guests a place to enjoy the art of its in-house artist and founder, Sami Sunchild, to gather with like-minded folks from around the world, to enjoy a meal, and to experience the living landmark in one of the most dynamic and influential areas of San Francisco: the Haight.

Welcome to San Francisco’s full fledged historical Peace Center, Meditative Art Gallery, Café, Bed & Breakfast, and Gathering Place.  Join folks from all over the world in talking, learning, teaching ways to create a peaceful world. Our 18 themed guest rooms allow you to experience the vibrant history of the ‘60s in San Francisco and also help fund the Peaceful World non-profit Foundation. We are TV free, have private and shared fun bathrooms, and we are only two blocks from Golden Gate Park! We invite you to spend time with us.
