Project Artaud

499 Alabama St, San Francisco , CA
(415) 621-4240
Project Artaud Website
Music, Concerts, Venues, Arts & Entertainment Venues


Project Artaud is a non-profit, member-run organization providing housing and support for artists and arts activities.

In 1925, the property that now houses Project Artaud was built as a tooling factory for the American Can Company. Over the years it served many purposes, including that of building airplane parts during WWII in the large space that would later become Theater Artaud.

In 1971, a group of artists moved into the then vacant building and named it after the avant-garde French theater artist, Antonin Artaud (1896-1948). In 1989, full legal status was granted to Project Artaud, thus defining the new live/work code for the city of San Francisco.

Today, there are over 70 individual artists' live/work studios occupied by visual artists, sculptors, writers, photographers, print makers, performing artists of all disciplines, electronic media creators, as well as film/video makers.
