
415 Green St, Martinez , CA
(415) 473-3678
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Now that you've found some high-class semi-affordable buys, it's time to spend a little time on your humble abode. Duck down Green Street and keep your eye on Prize. True to its name, this is the kind of store that makes you feel like you've won within a few minutes of browsing. Literally a hop sans the skip and a jump from Polk, Prize offers innovative products for inspired decorators. Perfect for the retro-phile seeking eye-catching design ideas at purse-friendly prices. Pick up conversation pieces ranging from a reproduction vintage map of Paris to school charts from the 1950's. Invest in breathtaking mirrored furniture from the 30's or 40's, or keep it on the cheap with glittering silver letters ideal for transforming that blank wall.

- Excerpt from A Peek at Polk by Melissa Goldstein
