Poppy Farm Home & Garden

100 North Almaden Avenue, San Jose , CA
+1 831.684.1811
Home & Garden, Florists
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 he Poppy Farm provides unique gifts for the home and garden, including crafts by local artisans, living arrangements, jewelry, garden accessories, hats, purses and of course, native plants. Whether you are a beginning gardener or master gardener, we are passionate about native plants and on helping you choose the ideal plants for your distinct situation.
We will be offering classes and demonstrations on how you can benefit by adding native plants to your garden, and how to create low maintenance and drought tolerant landscapes.

All the native plants come from our full service nursery, Native Revival, in Aptos, California, just a 15 minute drive from downtown Santa Cruz. Native Revival Nursery is located on 3 acres and provides plant and design consultations, in addition to plant pickups at The Poppy Farm. Plant orders can be faxed/emailed to our nursery for pickup at our new location.
