Pessagno Winery

1645 River Rd, Salinas , CA
(831) 675-9463
Markets & Specialty Food, Beverages Store
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Pessagno Winery fulfills a twenty-year dream of winemaker Stephen Pessagno to produce limited quantities of exclusive luxury wines from prestigious single vineyards throughout Monterey and San Benito Counties.


  • Pessagno Winery

    Monterey County’s Pessagno Winery makes full-bodied, fruity wines
    06/16/2010 by Stett Holbrook

    I recently received samples of wine from Pessagno Winery, a Monterey County winery with vineyards in San Benito and Monterey County. They sent me 2006 and 2007 vintages of syrah, pino...  More »
