National 1st Credit Union presents

Palabuniyan Kulintang Ensemble

City of Santa Clara's Multicultural Monday Concert in the Park

Mon Jun 27, 2011
Santa Clara Central Park
Music, Concerts, World Music, City Events, Outdoor Festivals, Music Festivals


The third of five multicultural concerts to be held in Central Park Pavilion features traditional music and dance from the Maguindanao, Maranao, and Tausug peoples of Mindanao Island, Southern Philippines. Danongan Kalanduyan is a master musician, ethnomusicologist and cultural consultant on Muslim-Filipino culture, and he is the only master artist of Maguindanao Kulintang music in the United States. Among many Magindanaon instrumental music forms, kulintang is the most frequently performed. Kulintang is a set of eight small bossed gongs in graduated sizes, horizontally laid on a rack called antangan (from antang, "to arrange"). Kulintang also refers to the ensemble in which this instrument is accompanied by four other instruments. This program is being held at the Central Park Pavilion. Enjoy a beautiful evening in the park. Bring a blanket to sit on and a picnic dinner.



  1. Santa Clara Central Park
    909 Kiley Blvd., Santa Clara, CA