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My Back Pages

My Back Pages

Getting lost in a literary labyrinth. Read More

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My Back Pages

My Back Pages

The last time I entered Twice Read Books on San Fernando Street, I did not realize Italo Calvino’s novel Invisible Cities was already there waiting for me. The store had occupied 81 East San Fernando since before my mom was even born. I first took…

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Bodies in Motion

Bodies in Motion

Health and fitness experts prescribe remedies for inertia. Read More

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Bodies in Motion

Bodies in Motion

Inertia. In physics, it’s the resistance an object has to a change in its state of motion. In real life, it’s a phenomenon many working humans feel in their bones. Stiff and sore from hours hunched over a desk, they’re too tired to get up…

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The Second Step: Keeping the Weight Off

The Second Step: Keeping the Weight Off

Mary Tunison is a facilitator for a support group at Good Samaritan in San Jose made up of individuals who undergo bariatric surgery for morbid obesity—which means being more than 100 pounds overweight. She notes that surgery is just the first step for these patients….

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Guzzlin’ Ganja

Guzzlin’ Ganja

Cannabis-infused beverages still have a long way to go. Read More

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The Second Step: Keeping the Weight Off

The Second Step: Keeping the Weight Off

Taking off more than 100 pounds after bariatric surgery can feel like a miracle… Read More

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Guzzlin’ Ganja

Guzzlin’ Ganja

Along with cannabis legalization has come a seemingly endless choice of ingestion methods: a wide array of edibles, vapes, capsules, tinctures, oils and more. And, of course, there is raw bud—still by far the most popular product. Meanwhile, big money is pouring into yet another…

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Tall Orders at La Barrique

Tall Orders at La Barrique

Giraffes will feel at ease walking through the front doors of La Barrique. Standing up straight, they’ll be at eye level with the tops of two white columns flanking the entryway. What they’d order once inside, however, is anyone’s guess—but the long menus, printed on…

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Holiday Events Will be Different, But Still Aplenty

Holiday Events Will be Different, But Still Aplenty

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