Search results for - page 339

Google and Verizon Announce New Vision for the Internet

Google and Verizon Announce New Vision for the Internet

Bloggers across the internet are suggesting that Google has replaced its corporate logo of “Do no evil” with the somewhat more ominous “Do no evil on wireline.” It comes in response to the announcement by Google and Verizon that they envision a two-tiered internet for the future.

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Meal Toy Ban Goes into Effect

Meal Toy Ban Goes into Effect

McDonald’s is about to take a hit. A new ordinance in unincorporated parts of Santa Clara County prohibits the inclusion of toys in most kids’ meals. The law will affect all restaurants where the meals contain over 485 calories in which 35 percent of the calories come from fat.

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Pegram Receives Mayor’s Backing

Pegram Receives Mayor’s Backing

Larry Pegram, head of the Values Advocacy Council, has received the backing of Mayor Chuck Reed in his bid for a City Council seat. Pegram will be facing Don Rocha, Business Development Officer for San Jose’s Redevelopment Agency. “I need his help at City Hall in the difficult budget years ahead,” Reed said.

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American Idols Live 2010

American Idols Live 2010

Lee DeWyze’s father was a postman; he has the lyrics to “Father and Son” by Cat Stevens tattooed on one arm, perhaps in relation to arguments he had with his father about whether he should risk becoming an indie singer or go into the family business. Lee took the other path, and his post-American Idol album is due this fall.

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The Buzz at HempCon

The Buzz at HempCon

The crowds that visited the San Jose Convention Center for the medical marijuana fest this weekend were not able to smoke pot on the premises. Authorities denied organizers the right to set up a self-medication tent on the premises. There were, however, plenty of other ways for visitors to get a buzz.

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San Jose No 2 for Business Travel

San Jose No 2 for Business Travel

The National Business Travel Association has listed San Jose as the second most friendly place for business travelers in the U.S., topped only by Orange County. San Jose has some of the lowest taxes on everything from hotel stays to car rentals to eating meals out.

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Soot and Global Warming

Soot and Global Warming

When we think of global warming, we immediately think of carbon dioxide, or perhaps even methane, the two invisible gases that have the greatest impact on the planet’s temperature. Now Mark Jacobson of Stanford wants us to add a new culprit to the list: Soot.

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‘Sisters of Swing!’

‘Sisters of Swing!’

Sisters of Swing!, now playing at the Retro Dome, takes audiences on a trip way down memory lane with well-sung hit songs blended with a tell-all plot line. Selling more than 90 million records, the Andrews Sisters were on top of their game in the late ’30s and during World War II.

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The 2010 San Jose Jazz Festival

The 2010 San Jose Jazz Festival

This year’s San Jose Jazz Festival features everything from funk gods George Clinton, Maceo Parker and Tower of Power, to a whole stage devoted to blues, to salsa, to…oh, yeah, jazz!

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Earthquakes Midseason Report

Earthquakes Midseason Report

The first two modern-era Earthquake campaigns ended without a playoff appearance. Both of those teams finished at the bottom of the league. The current version of the Earthquakes is 6-4-4 and in the mix for a playoff spot.

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