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Bernie Lubell’s Intimate Tech

Bernie Lubell’s Intimate Tech

Silicon Valley made a name for itself by piecing together small parts in a big way, so it’s fitting that Bernie Lubell’s tech-inspired exhibit should also find a home here at the San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art. Constructed as four interrelated mechanical units and a series of two-dimensional designs, Lubell’s “Conservation of Intimacy” is a testament to both the beauty and anxiety that technology brings us as well as an exploration of the tensions that such a paradox implies.

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Bill Maher at Montalvo

Bill Maher at Montalvo

Bill Maher is the measured, gentlemanly “but seriously folks” sideman to Jon Stewart’s rebelliousness: capable of taking a blimp-launching nutter like Ron Paul and polishing him up to the point where Ron feels like officially linking to the I-view. But that’s the point: every night, and every time Maher opens his mouth, he makes someone mad.

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B.B. King with Buddy Guy

B.B. King with Buddy Guy

B.B. King just won’t quit playing. He was doing farewell tours as far back as four or five years ago, and certainly he’s slowed down, but the man is 84 years old. He’s still vibrant and funny, and he can still play the hell out of a guitar.

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Aug. 28-29: Italian American Heritage Family Festa

Aug. 28-29: Italian American Heritage Family Festa

In 1977, the Italian American Heritage Family Festa became the first ethnic festival to be held in downtown San Jose. This year the Festa moves to its new home in Guadalupe River Park to better accommodate the 25,000 attendees.

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Questions Following Fire

Questions Following Fire

When the devastating fire broke out just before dawn at Trace Elementary school, a local official was immediately notified … by email. To put it simply, the fire broke out, and an email was sent to the official, who was still lying in bed, fast asleep. Presumably, the official would only have found out after he woke up, had his first cup of coffee, showered, and turned on his computer, or whatever his daily schedule might be.

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Oracle Takes on Google

Oracle Takes on Google

Google has been getting a lot of flack lately, mostly because of the two-Internets plan it announced with Verizon last week, and its efforts to compete with Facebook. The latest challenge comes from Oracle, another Silicon Valley giant, which is suing Google for patent infringement.

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Fast Trains and Nazis

Fast Trains and Nazis

Finally, there’s some agreement on California’s $45 billion high speed rail project. On Thursday, the State Senate voted in support of AB619, which should hit Governor Schwarzenegger’s desk no later than next week. The new law states that companies seeking to win a contract with the state over the construction of the new rail line must disclose whether, 65 years ago, they were involved in any way with the transportation of Jews and others to Nazi concentration or death camps.

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San Jose Receives Biogas Grant

San Jose Receives Biogas Grant

In 2009, San Jose decided that one of the best ways to become energy independent was to be the first city in the U.S. to generate its electricity through an organics-to-energy biogas facility. This vision will come a step closer when the city receives a $1.9 million grant from the California Energy Commission to construct a biomethane production demonstration project.

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Berryessa: Past and Future

Berryessa: Past and Future

Twenty-five years ago, Berryessa might still have been considered the fruit basket of Santa Clara County—one of the last parts of the Valley to succumb to development. Even today there are a few agricultural holdouts nestled throughout the neighborhood. Of course, most of these plots have been transformed into suburban single-family homes. It’s a young, diverse neighborhood, with seven schools and its own school district. And now may be a good time to be shopping for a home in Berryessa.

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Cutting Edge of the Jazz Fest

Cutting Edge of the Jazz Fest

Throughout its history, more than almost any other big jazz festival, San Jose Jazz fest’s mission has been to present a diverse array of styes. That tradition continues in 2010. Nevertheless, for some of us, the hottest attractions are the edgier, more obscure (I hesitate to say) “jazzier” sets.

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