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The Job Is Hurd’s

The Job Is Hurd’s

Former Hewlett Packard CEO Michael Hurd, forced to leave the company following a since discredited sexual harassment complaint, can take the helm at Oracle, after an agreement has been reached between the two companies and Hurd. According to the agreement, Hurd must give up $14 million in restricted stock that was part of his severance package. He gets to keep $12.2 million in severance pay, and is currently selling another $30 million in stock that came with his severance package.

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Facebook Denies Planning a New Phone

Facebook Denies Planning a New Phone

Facebook denies claims made on Saturday that its latest project is a cheap phone, to compete with the iPhone and Droid. According to reports, Facebook has two people working on the project. Facebook responded by saying that “Building phones is just not what we do.”

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PG&E Warns City of Two Faulty Gas Lines

PG&E Warns City of Two Faulty Gas Lines

PG&E has warned San Jose that the two of its 100 highest risk natural gas pipelines run in the northern part of the city. Though general locations were revealed, the gas company has stated that it will not reveal the precise locations until later today, when it releases its findings to the Public Utilities Commission.

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Police Lambaste Mayor for Anti-Gang Reorganization Efforts

Police Lambaste Mayor for Anti-Gang Reorganization Efforts

On Sunday San Jose eliminated its 21-officer Violent Crime Enforcement Team, an elite unit devoted to combating gang activity in the city. City and police officials quickly picked sides in the ensuing fracas, with the San Jose Police Officers Association taking out a full page ad in the Merc on Sunday to condemn the decision.

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Fighting over a Symbol of Peace

Fighting over a Symbol of Peace

The Jade Buddha of Universal Peace is more than just an icon. Said to “bring inconceivable peace and happiness and help prevent the destruction that is happening so much in the world,” it is emerging as a bone of contention in the hotly divided Vietnamese community, reflecting the hotly contested election in the city’s District 7.

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Banh Xeo: A Vietnamese Treat

Banh Xeo: A Vietnamese Treat

We’re familiar with pho, Vietnam’s best-known culinary export. Some of us are even familiar with bun bo hue, a spicier version of beef noodle soup from central Vietnam. Now, I would like to introduce banh xeo, a crepe filled with sizzling pork and shrimp that everyone ought to get to know better. Pronounced “boon say-o,” banh xeo consists of a rice-flour crepe seasoned with turmeric and filled with bits of pork, shrimp and bean sprouts. It’s a popular South Vietnam street food that’s served with piles of lettuce leaves and fresh herbs.

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‘Black Pearl Sings’

‘Black Pearl Sings’

Set during the Great Depression in the early 1930s, Susannah (Jessica Wortham) is a stiff, staunch and white ethnomusicologist for the Library of Congress. She’s ambitious about getting a teaching job at Harvard, so she travels from prison to prison to find black singers to record songs that date back “before slavery times.”

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West Coast SWAT Teams Converging on San Jose

West Coast SWAT Teams Converging on San Jose

If you see a SWAT team in full gear surrounding a building in San Jose this week, it’s probably no cause for alarm.  For the sixteenth year, the city is playing host to some two dozen SWAT teams from along the West Coast for a series of competitions and matches to find out who is the “Best in the West.” They’ll be running the obstacle course, sniping, and even assaulting a building with live ammo to simulate a rescue mission.

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Zero1 San Jose: High Tech Art Utopia

Zero1 San Jose: High Tech Art Utopia

The 2010 01SJ Biennial rightly cements San Jose and Silicon Valley among the destinations for global contemporary art gatherings. For more than 20 years now, new-media art fests have emerged on several continents, addressing key issues in the overlapping fields of art, science, critical theory, digital media and cultural studies. But there has never been a definitive equivalent in the United States, which is why everyone involved with 01SJ says it will become the North American model.

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Wild Hearts

Wild Hearts

SAVE YOUR MONEY!!!!!!!” Allen Ginsberg told Jack Kerouac in a letter from 1957. Ginsberg’s poem “Howl” was a hit after a high-profile trial over its presumed obscenity, and Kerouac’s second book, On the Road, had transformed the author nearly overnight into the most popular novelist in America. “God knows what oblivion we’ll wind up in.”

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