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Man Appears in Court to Stake Claim to Giant Emerald

Man Appears in Court to Stake Claim to Giant Emerald

Anthony Thomas of Morgan Hill appeared in a Los Angeles court on Friday to stake his claim to the 840-pound, 180,000 carat emerald found in Brazil. Thomas claims that he paid $60,000 for the gem, now valued at $327 million. When he took the stand on Friday, Thomas faced a barrage of questions from lawyers representing all the other people who claim that the emerald is theirs.

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Video of Cop Arresting Teen Released

Video of Cop Arresting Teen Released

The case of the off-duty police officer who faked the arrest of his step-daughter’s boyfriend took a turn yesterday, when the boy’s parents released a cell phone video of the incident. The new video, taken by the boy’s father, is being cited by the boy’s parents as evidence of what actually happened, but also by the police officer’s attorney as evidence that the policeman did not overstep his bounds.

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Ken Burns’ ‘Tenth Inning’

Ken Burns’ ‘Tenth Inning’

As Major League Baseball saunters into the final weeks of the season, the prolific documentary filmmaker Ken Burns has completed a compelling two-part mini-series, The Tenth Inning, that serves not only as an insightful sequel to his nine-part Baseball, but also provides a compelling and definitive backdrop to the national pastime during the past decade-and-half.

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Angel Investor Slams Angelgate VCs

Angel Investor Slams Angelgate VCs

Angelgate takes a new turn as prominent super-angel Ron Conway writes a scathing email to the participants in a secret VC meeting. The scandal, which broke earlier this week, suggests that prominent angel investors in Silicon Valley are “colluding” to lower startup valuations and keep new and traditional investors out of the market. Conway slammed the participant, writing that, ““Your motives are driven by self serving factors around ego satisfaction and ‘making a buck.’”

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Transportation Funds on Hold

Transportation Funds on Hold

Because the state budget is stalled in the Legislature, the California Transportation Commission has put $932 million in transportation funding on hold. When added to the $3 billion that it put on hold last month, the total amount of transportation funding for roads and rail that is being delayed across the state amounts to almost $4 billion. Among the projects that are delayed are several local road improvements.

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Storing Data, an Atom at a Time

Storing Data, an Atom at a Time

Researchers in San Jose have been spending twelve years studying the behavior atoms. Using a highly refined scanning tunneling microscope he IBM team has been able to unravel how long information remains in a single atom. This, they believe, will be the key to developing even more refined ways of storing data, smaller than anything we can possibly imagine. Their size will be measured in atoms.

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Pear Avenue Presents ‘Angels in America, Part One’

Pear Avenue Presents ‘Angels in America, Part One’

The entire cast of Angels in America, Part One delivers great performances, which are all the more commendable because of the play’s great length and the fact that, as Kushner intended, most of the actors play multiple roles.

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Mariachi and Mexican Heritage Festival

Mariachi and Mexican Heritage Festival

San Jose’s annual celebration of Mexican music, culture and cuisine kicks into high gear this weekend.

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Lavanda: Specials from Croatia

Lavanda: Specials from Croatia

Even though I had never eaten at Palo Alto’s Lavanda Restaurant and Wine Bar, somehow I had an image in my mind of what it was all about: Italian food that rambles around the Mediterranean to pick up a few other culinary influences. I figured it was pretty good, but given the profusion of lackluster Italian restaurants on University Avenue, I never stopped in to see if my preconceived notions were correct. But a few weeks ago, I happened to walk by the restaurant and a flier caught my eye. “Specialties from Croatia,” the paper read. Croatia? That’s not what I expected.

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It’s Official. San Jose Has the Worst Roads

It’s Official. San Jose Has the Worst Roads

You may have known it instinctively, but now you have the evidence to back it up. San Jose has the worst roads in the US, with 64 percent of the city’s roads in poor condition. The poor roads take a toll on local drivers, who end up paying $600 to $750 more on car repairs every year because of potholes, cracks, and bumps. The estimated cost of fixing the roads is over $250 million.

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