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Parents March to Protest Police Cuts

Parents March to Protest Police Cuts

Parents gathered outside the Police Athletic League headquarters yesterday to protest police budget cuts. Waving signs with messages like “Don’t gut our kids’ future,” they called on the SJPD to continue its youth athletics program, and not to transfer participating officers to street beats. Over 5,000 kids participate in the SJPD’s PAL league, and parents say that this is the best way to keep them off the streets and away from gangs.

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Classical Pianist Jon Nakamatsu

Classical Pianist Jon Nakamatsu

The Peninsula Symphony welcomes back San Jose pianist Jon Nakamatsu for a weekend of pieces by Beethoven, Bach and Brahms – otherwise known as the 3 B’s – with conductor Mitchell Sardou Klein.

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Twelve-Year-Old Cited for Pointing Gun at Classmate

Twelve-Year-Old Cited for Pointing Gun at Classmate

The SJPD has cited a twelve-year-old boy for pointing a plastic pellet gun at another student. The incident occurred at the Beacon School, which serves students who have had difficulties fitting into the public school system. Police later identified the boy, questioned him and confiscated the pellet gun.

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All Aboard the New Commuter Trains

All Aboard the New Commuter Trains

Taking the train to work has just gotten easier for people in San Jose. The Valley Transportation Authority has launched a new fleet of light rail commuter express trains, which will run more quickly, have fewer stops, and add a few much-needed bonuses for people heading to and from work.

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Get Ready for Google TV

Get Ready for Google TV

Over the next few weeks, Google will be launching Google TV, complete with apps to make TV viewing an interactive experience. Soon fans will be able to Twitter about Glee and blog about baseball, live, for the world to see. As it prepares for launch, Google is lining up content partnerships with Amazon, Netflix, Napster, and Twitter, but also with independent content providers, such as HBO, NBC Universal, the NBA, and Turner Broadcasting.

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Zuckerberg a Star This Weekend

Zuckerberg a Star This Weekend

“The Social Network” topped the box office charts with 2.3 million viewers in its opening weekend, and revenues of $23 million. The film is expected to gross as much as $100 million. Prior to its release, Zuckerberg’s biggest media success was during a cameo appearance on the Simpsons. “The Social Network” depicts Zuckerberg’s turbulent Harvard days. On “The Simpsons” he advises Nelson to drop out of school and “get the best kind of degree—honorary, baby!”

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School’s Out for San Jose Unified

School’s Out for San Jose Unified

For kids, it’s like Christmas vacation came early. For teachers, it’s a salary cut. For parents, it raises that nagging question, “Who is going to watch over the kids when there is no school?” Starting today, schools across the San Jose Unified School District will be closed for the entire week for an across-the-board furlough, in lieu of teacher layoffs.

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Fuel Spill Almost Shut Down Marathon

Fuel Spill Almost Shut Down Marathon

The smell of diesel fuel wafted along South Almaden Boulevard on Saturday, as firefighters and others struggled to stop the liquid from flowing from a rooftop tank. It was a race against the clock. At 8am on Sunday morning, the Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon was scheduled to take to the street—that street. Clean-up crews spent twelve hours trying to stop the flow and clean up the mess.

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To-Do List: Oct. 4-8

To-Do List: Oct. 4-8

Five reasons to look forward to the work week: pumpkin shopping, Angry Orts, Vicious Rumors with Bomb & Scary, Joe Sib and Richie Panic, Berta Rojas.

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Bullet Train ‘Can and Will Be Built,’ Says High Speed Rail CEO

Bullet Train ‘Can and Will Be Built,’ Says High Speed Rail CEO

Speaking at a luncheon in San Jose, Roelof van Ark, CEO of the High Speed Rail Authority, said that the bullet train linking LA and San Francisco (with the obligatory stop in San Jose) will be built. The $42 billion projectfaces opposition from many local leaders, who are wary of the impact it will have on their municipalitiesVan Ark admitted that the Authority has communicated poorly with them, and vowed to improve on that in the coming months.

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