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Google and Gates Take on Big Oil in Prop 23 Debate

Google and Gates Take on Big Oil in Prop 23 Debate

Google’s Sergei Brin and Microsoft’s Bill Gates are donating millions of dollars to defeat Prop 23, the ballot initiative which would suspend the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006. Spending for and against the contentious measure could top the $154 million record set in 2006 by Proposition 87. In the past two weeks alone, opponents of Prop 23 have raised $11.9 million.

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Police Bust Gamblers in Park

Police Bust Gamblers in Park

Neighbors had frequently complained to the police about high stakes gambling taking part in Hillview Park in East San Jose. Yesterday, the SJPD responded.  Three men were arrested. One was charged with evading arrest and two were charged withe possession of marijuana for sale. All three were charged with misdemeanor gambling.

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Sports Roundup Oct. 24

Sports Roundup Oct. 24

Earthquakes set to face New York Red Bulls in playoffs; Sharks take two of three on the road; Stanford rides running game to victory over Washington State; Fresno State ends Spartans bowl chances; Stanford soccer earns two weekend shutouts.

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Disney on Ice

Disney on Ice

There was something for everyone in the gliding crew of beloved Disney characters, although the young reviews seemed to relate better to the newer ones.

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12-Year-Old Takes Home the Big Bug Bucks from Mozilla

12-Year-Old Takes Home the Big Bug Bucks from Mozilla

Twelve-year-old is seventh-grader Alex Miller is $3,000 richer thanks to a bug he found in browser Firefox by Mozilla. The University Prep Academy student spent about an hour and a half every day for ten days scanning Firefox for bugs and hoping to win the bounty.

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Public Transportation for Police and Firefighters?

Public Transportation for Police and Firefighters?

City auditors have found a new way to save money, but it’s bound to upset the Police and Firefighters unions. They’ve concluded that if the officers leave their police cars (and fire cars) in the municipal parking lot at night, it could save the city $630,000. The cost saving involves 90 police vehicles, from sedans to motorcycles, but also two cars driven by the deputy firefighter chiefs and one driven by an SJFD press information officer.

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Recession Takes a Toll on Santa Teresa Homecoming Prom

Recession Takes a Toll on Santa Teresa Homecoming Prom

Santa Teresa High School is cutting back on its homecoming prom, due to budget cuts. he school, which has about 2,700 students, does not have the money to pay more than twelve teachers to chaperone the event, and school policy prevents parents from chaperoning. As a result, only 500 students will be able to attend their homecoming prom.

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Councilman Confronted for Removing Campaign Signs

Councilman Confronted for Removing Campaign Signs

City Councilman Pierluigi Oliverio is coming under fire by the Police and Firefighters unions for removing a “No on V” election sign. Oliverio says that it was on public property, but the unions claim that it was private property. Meanwhile, the unions are offering a $10,000 bounty to anyone who provides information leading to the prosecution and conviction of people who have stolen or vandalized their signs.

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Secret Order

Secret Order

The hero of ‘Secret Order,’ a dramatic, edge-of-your-seat play is William Shumway, a brilliant young researcher who has discovered a new method of fighting cancer—one that may lead to a cure.

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Stanford Star Christen Press

Stanford Star Christen Press

After winning a championship with her club team when she was in the eighth grade, Stanford soccer star Christen Press had an epiphany. “That’s when I realized I didn’t have any limits to what I can dream.”

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