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Think Globally, Eat Locally

Think Globally, Eat Locally

At their best, restaurants are more than places to satisfy an appetite, they are a reflection of the community. They are gathering places, an extension of our kitchens and living rooms. While we have little control over what’s happening in Washington and Sacramento, we have complete control over what we eat and where. Voting with your food dollars is a powerful statement of our values.

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Review: On Koreatown’s Soontofu Trail

Review: On Koreatown’s Soontofu Trail

El Camino Real in Sunnyvale is the place to go for Korean food and one of the stars of the show are the hearty, spicy bowls of bubbling soontofu, a classic tofu-based stew.

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Intel Is the Greenest of Them All

Intel Is the Greenest of Them All

Proposition 23 was defeated last night, and California will continue on its path to cut greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels by 2020. Some Silicon Valley companies are already taking giant steps forward, but none of them has gone quite as far as Intel. According to the EPA’s Green Power Partnership, the company already gets 50 percent of its electricity from a wide variety of renewable sources

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Why Are They Erasing Mail-in Ballots?

Why Are They Erasing Mail-in Ballots?

Teams of election workers have been toiling around the clock to clean up over 100,000 ballots that were mailed in for the election. According to the County Registrar’s office, a printer toner smudge was confusing the vote counting machines. ProVoteSolutions,which produced the ballots, has announced that it will compensate Santa Clara County for all of the costs involved in manually inspecting and cleaning up the ballots.

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Vote and Vax

Vote and Vax

People who went out to vote yesterday could kill two birds with one stone. Two polling stations in Santa Clara County also offered flu vaccines to voters and non-voters alike. The program was initiated by and run in conjunction with Stanford University’s School of Medicine.

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Pot Not Legalized but Still Taxed

Pot Not Legalized but Still Taxed

Californians may have voted no to Prop 19 and the legalization of marijuana, but the people of San Jose voted to tax marijuana anyways—or at least whatever marijuana can be sold legally in the city. The precise amount of the new tax will only be determined after City Council holds a study session on the matter on December 13.

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Communities Meet to Help Select New Police Chief

Communities Meet to Help Select New Police Chief

The Coalition for Justice and Accountability is holding a series of public meetings about what to look for in a new police chief. Although the meetings are unofficial, they have attracted several times as many participants as the official meetings organized by the city. Chief among the concerns raised is racial profiling by the SJPD.

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Fire Destroys Recycling Center, Café

Fire Destroys Recycling Center, Café

Two adjacent buildings—a cafe and a recycling center—were destroyed in a four alarm fire in San Jose Sunday morning. It took firefighters until about 6:00 am to get the blaze under control, and by the time they were finished, both buildings were gutted and railroad tracks running behind the buildings had to be shut down.

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Google Takes on the Federal Government

Google Takes on the Federal Government

Google is suing the federal government, claiming that the Department of the Interior tailored its specs Microsoft products, effectively shutting Google out of the bidding process, and losing it a potential 88,000 government employees as clients.The lawsuit argues that Google’s own products are inherently more secure than Microsoft’s for handling sensitive documents and emails.

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Election Day!

Election Day!

It’s election day across the nation, though 70 percent of Santa Clara voters have already voted by mail. We’ll have a new crew in Sacramento, a new insurance commissioner, new City Council members, new legislators, and new senators and congressmen. We’ll also decide if marijuana should be legalized, and if the state should continue pressing forward with its plans to curb greenhouse gases.

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