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Apple Removes Wikileaks App from Store

Apple Removes Wikileaks App from Store

On Monday, Apple removed the new Wikileak app from its iTunes store, just three days after the app was released. According to Apple spokeswoman Trudy Muller, the app violated its guidelines and failed to comply with local laws.

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Boxer, Feinstein Want Action on Chromium-6

Boxer, Feinstein Want Action on Chromium-6

California Senators Barbara Boxer and Diane Feinstein plan to introduce legislation requiring the EPA to establish standards for chromium-6 in the nation’s tap water. The legislation is in response to a study that found that most of the nation’s tap water is tainted with the carcinogen. But Boxer and Feinstein will have to contend with a new Congress that is increasingly hostile to the EPA.

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Nightclub Comes Under Fire

Nightclub Comes Under Fire

The SJPD suspended the license of the Miami Beach Club for two weeks after a fight there ended in a shooting. According to police, one victim was shot in the stomach and another was grazed by a bullet. The nightclub failed to report the incident, and the police only found out about it after a woman ran into the street and flagged some police officers down.

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Review: Tigelleria Organic Restaurant

Review: Tigelleria Organic Restaurant

When the restaurant opened, it played up the tigelles, and they’re still a large part of the menu, but Tigelleria has evolved to incorporate more entrees. Although the bread is delicious and the selection of toppings vast, eating the tigelles feels like picnicking. They make for good, if rather filling appetizers, but they’re not the strength of the menu.

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Facebook-Apple Merger at Center of Anti-Predictions

Facebook-Apple Merger at Center of Anti-Predictions

Denmark’s Saxo Bank is famous for its annual list of Black Swan predictions—predictions of unlikely events that would cause utter turmoil in the market. It claims that the most unlikely game-changer next year would be Facebook’s acquisition by Apple.

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Mark Hurd in the Hot Seat Again

Mark Hurd in the Hot Seat Again

The SEC has launched an informal investigation against Mark Hurd over allegations that he revealed HP’s plans to acquire EDS two months before it was announced. The allegations were made by Jodie Fisher, with whom Hurd had an affair, who said that he told her of the purchase. HP is cooperating with the investigation, while Hurd’s lawyer insists that he, “acted properly in all respects.”

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An Unhappy Christmas for City Custodians

An Unhappy Christmas for City Custodians

For 25 custodians who keep City Hall and other municipal properties clean, Christmas will not be very merry this year. That is the day that they will have to turn in their badges and join the ranks of the unemployed. They are being let off as part of the plan to cover last year’s $118 million deficit. Though they have since been rehired by the private contractors hired to fill the gap, they are still taking a hit in terms of pay and benefits.

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San Jose Water: Chromium-6

San Jose Water: Chromium-6

A study by the Environmental Working Group found that San Jose ranked fifth nationwide for chromium-6 contamination of its drinking water. The carcinogenic substance was made famous by Erin Brokovich’s campaign against PG&E, which settled for $333 million. Thirty years later, 31 out of 35 cities studied have excessive amounts of the substance in their drinking water.

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Mary Had A Little Axe

Mary Had A Little Axe

Indie rock meets power pop as Mary Axe plays a free show at the Blank Club on Wednesday, December 22.

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Advertisers Targeting Apps

Advertisers Targeting Apps

A Wall Street Journal study has found that over half the smartphone apps available transmit identifying information to advertisers without the user’s consent. In addition to the phone’s ID number, apps often transmit information such as age, gender, location, and in the most egregious cases, they also monitor income, sexual orientation, political views, and a host of other information.

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