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Police Mum on Club Shooting

Police Mum on Club Shooting

The police are not releasing any details about the suspects or victims in the Mexicali Club triple homicide. Meanwhile, the city continues to search for a new police chief. With the number of applicants narrowed to ten, a new chief could be named as early as February.

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Colleges Facing Cuts Again

Colleges Facing Cuts Again

With California’s budget still in a crisis, it was inevitable that the new Governor would search desperately for places to cut. And it was inevitable that all the old favorites would be targeted. This means that higher education is on the chopping block again, with a proposed $1.4 billion in budget cuts. The UC and CSU systems will each face $500 million in state funding cuts, while the community college network can expect another $400 million in cuts.

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NASA Ames Discovery Deemed the ‘Missing Link’

NASA Ames Discovery Deemed the ‘Missing Link’

A new planetary discovery by NASA Ames proves that rocky planets like Earth exist throughout the universe. The new planet, just 1.4 times the size of Earth, orbits a star about the size of our sun. With an estimated surface temperature of 2,500 degrees, however, it is believed to be too hot to sustain life.

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Target (Finally) Gives Up Found Money

Target (Finally) Gives Up Found Money

A woman who found $1,000 in a Target parking lot had a hard time getting it back after no one claimed it. Although the store promised to give it to her if it remained unclaimed for 30 days, they later told her that store policy regarding large sums that are found is to add them to petty cash. Only after ABC News intervened did she get the money.

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Finishing the Hat

Finishing the Hat

There may never have been a book quite like Stephen Sondheim’s ‘Finishing the Hat: Collected Lyrics (1954–1981),’ in which an 80-year-old songsmith takes an X-ray to his work, while evaluating predecessors too dead to complain.

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Three Dead in Nightclub Shooting

Three Dead in Nightclub Shooting

Three people were killed in a shooting at the Mexicali Club this Saturday night. Two were found dead on the scene and one was found in an SUV parked a block away. The murders bring the number of homicides in San Jose in 2011 to four. In contrast, there were just 21 homicides in the city in all of 2010.

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County Going Solar

County Going Solar

Santa Clara County is about to decide who will supply solar panels for a $24 million project. The panels are expected to save the county some $14 million over the next 25 years. Kaiser Permanente launched its own solar project when it switched on the solar panels at the Santa Clara County Medical Center.

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Courts Catch Up with Tow Truck Driver

Courts Catch Up with Tow Truck Driver

The courts have finally caught up with a tow truck driver who charged people for towing and storing cars they did not own. Over the years, Vincent Cardinalli and his family were able to amass over $1 million for the scam, by successfully suing the victims in Small Claims Court. He pleaded no contest to 99 counts of fraud, and was sentenced to 14 years.

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City Looking to Sell Land to Fund Ballpark

City Looking to Sell Land to Fund Ballpark

With new Governor Jerry Brown rumored to be considering a raid of the state’s Redevelopment Agencies to reduce the state’s budget deficit, the city is considering selling off municipal properties to cover the costs of the proposed ballpark. Municipal parking lots and the retail area of the Fairmont Hotel Annex top the list of properties that could be sold.

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To-Do List: Jan. 10-14

To-Do List: Jan. 10-14

Five reasons to look forward to the work week: Cheryl Burke, Warren Slocum, Fight the Quiet, Angels in America, Oversocial Mofo Revue.

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