Search results for - page 282

The Social Business or the Social Network

The Social Business or the Social Network

A hacker gained access to Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook account and called for the company to be turned into a “social business,” where investors can recoup their investment, but they will not get any dividends. The comment, which appeared on the Zuckerberg Fan Page, received 1,800 likes and 500 comments before it was removed.

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Top Ten Ghost Towns

Top Ten Ghost Towns

Here are the top ten ghost towns around the San Jose area.

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Police Tackle Laser Problem

Police Tackle Laser Problem

Police arrested a local resident for pointing a laser at an aircraft about a mile from Reid-Hillview Airport.The suspect also pointed his laser at the police helicopter sent to find him, making it easy for the police to track him down. The incident occurred just days after a report that ranks San Jose third in the nation for the number of lasers being pointed at aircraft..

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Emergency Meeting Discusses Spike in Violence

Emergency Meeting Discusses Spike in Violence

At an emergency meeting in Santee on Monday night, residents discussed this month’s spike in violent crime in the city. The meeting was attended by Deputy Mayor Madison Nguyen and Assistant Police Chief Diane Urban. Both women called on the community to assist the police in overcoming gang violence.

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Advocacy Group Questions Google’s Use of Moffett Field

Advocacy Group Questions Google’s Use of Moffett Field

A consumer advocacy group wonders whether Google is getting favored use of Moffett Field from the federal government. Consumer Watchdog, a longtime critic of Google, questions whether the rent that Google pays to store its corporate jets and helicopters there is the market price for such services, though it has not offered any evidence that it isn’t.

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The Value of Internet Privacy

The Value of Internet Privacy

Internet browsers are developing new tools to protect users’ privacy from intrusive ad companies. Google’s Chrome already has a “Do not track” function, and Firefox is set to release one soon. Internet Explorer is also developing a privacy tool, but users will have to build their own list of sites that they want to block.

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Livefeed: Oaxaca calling

Livefeed: Oaxaca calling

People often ask where I get my ideas for restaurants. The answer is everywhere—word of mouth, suggestions from friends and colleagues and simply walking into places that look intriguing. The story about how I found Tu Mero Mole, a Mexican restaurant I review in this week’s issue, is a little more involved.

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The Hieroglyphics Crew

The Hieroglyphics Crew

Oakland’s preeminent hip-hop collective drops the beats and rhymes at the Avalon Nightclub on Friday, Jan. 28.

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Suzanne Vega Trio at Montalvo

Suzanne Vega Trio at Montalvo

The Suzanne Vega Trio plays the Carriage House at the Montalvo Arts Center on Wednesday, Jan. 26.

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County Plans More Cuts to Social Services

County Plans More Cuts to Social Services

On Tuesday, Santa Clara County officials will vote on a $6 million cut to the local Social Services Agency’s budget. The Agency’s Director Will Lightbourne calls the services being cut vital, noting that the most obvious cuts, the ones that will have the least impact on the county’s most vulnerable populations, “have been gone for a long time.”

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