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Five to Watch: February

Five to Watch: February

Six months is usually considered the earliest a new restaurant, bar or coffeeshop can receive a fair review. By then the kinks should be ironed out, the bad apples fired and the dishes and drinks refined. But who’s got time for that? Each month, Metro…

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50 Sweet Valentine’s Day Dates

50 Sweet Valentine’s Day Dates

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner and it’s time to come up with a plan for that special someone. Relax. There’s no need to break the bank on a fancy ring or pendant, because everybody loves a little sugar. So, here’s a list of…

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Get in Line for Project Pasta

Get in Line for Project Pasta

The term “Chipotle-ization” has become synonymous in the food world for any fast-casual restaurant that features an assembly line method for producing a diner’s order. I believe Subway and Henry Ford might take umbrage with the term, but that’s an argument for another day. This…

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Diwan Al Falafel’s Streetwise Shawarma

Diwan Al Falafel’s Streetwise Shawarma

Sampling local street food is a must while traveling abroad. One of the most vivid memories I have of visiting the Middle East involves eating my way through Jordan. I must have noshed at a half-dozen shawarma and falafel stands throughout the capital city of…

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San Jose’s Urban Momo: Original Fusion

San Jose’s Urban Momo: Original Fusion

Psychologists call a song that gets stuck in your head an “earworm.” I have a similar issue, but it usually pertains to food. So, when a co-worker told me about a delicious Nepalese dinner he had just enjoyed the night before, I could no longer…

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Signature Dental

Signature Dental

Dentists Peter A. Moosman, DDS and Lesley M. Fox, DDS in Campbell CA, practice a full scope of general and cosmetic dentistry with expertise ranging from porcelain veneers to dental implants, crowns and bridges.

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Dish it Out at District

Dish it Out at District

Upscale with a bit of eccentricity seems to be the District San Jose way. The new tapas restaurant has a sleek peninsula-shaped bar that stands in contrast to austere exposed brick walls. On a recent holiday evening, a Sharks game played on one screen while…

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Pot Belly Ramen is Love Soup-ified

Pot Belly Ramen is Love Soup-ified

Despite being the unofficial national dish of Japan—sorry, sushi lovers—it turns out that ramen originally hailed from China. The origins are a bit muddled, but there’s no denying its increased popularity from humble street food during World War II to a now-lavish dish that can go…

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Five To Watch

Five To Watch

Six months is usually considered the earliest a new restaurant, bar or coffeeshop can receive a fair review. By then the kinks should be ironed out, the bad apples fired and the dishes and drinks refined. But who’s got time for that? Each month, Metro…

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SV Dining: 25 Healthy Restaurants for the New Year

SV Dining: 25 Healthy Restaurants for the New Year

The new year is upon us, and we’ve eaten and imbibed just a few too many holiday treats. It’s time to shed unwanted poundage and get back into those jeans and jorts in time for spring and summer. What better way than to throw more…

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