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House of Floyd

House of Floyd

The ultimate tribute to Pink Floyd recreates the psychedelic images and lasers at the Montgomery Theatre on Saturday, Feb. 5.

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Brown’s Tough Talk Gets Mixed Reviews

Brown’s Tough Talk Gets Mixed Reviews

In his State of the State address last night, Gov. Jerry Brown invoked pro-democracy demonstrations abroad, asserting assertion that failing to put temporary tax extensions the ballot would be “unconscionable” and “irresponsible.”

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Former Shark Was Haunted by Inner Demons

Former Shark Was Haunted by Inner Demons

Tom Cavanagh wasn’t a star; he grinded his way to a brief NHL career with San Jose. But during his brief life, unbeknownst to many of his former teammates and coaches, Cavanagh was battling a serious mental illness: schizophrenia.

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Veterans Raising Funds to Restore Memorial

Veterans Raising Funds to Restore Memorial

A fundraising effort is underway to repair the downtown Veterans Memorial, after vandals smashed its glass plates. The memorial has been a regular target of vandalism for the past six years, and the glass plates that are an integral part of the site, have been boarded up with plywood. Over 10 percent of San Jose’s population consists of veterans.

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Caltrain Has Some Friends

Caltrain Has Some Friends

“Friends of Caltrain” held a summit this Saturday to discuss ways to keep the service running despite its $30 million debt. The strategy focused on increasing ridership, containing costs, and identifying a steady source of income for the rail line. Of all the 28 transit agencies operating in the Bay Area, Caltrain is the only one to lack a dedicated source of funding.

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It’s Sewage, Not Roses

It’s Sewage, Not Roses

The city’s Water Pollution Control Plant’s lagoons of untreated waste foul the air for its neighbors, but the city is taking its time to deal with the problem. While it recognizes that the odor is a problem, solving it could cost $250 million. A complete renovation of the facility will cost $1 billion, which would take thirty years. Neighbors of the plant wants a solution now.

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To-Do List: Jan. 31-Feb. 4

To-Do List: Jan. 31-Feb. 4

Five reasons to look forward to the work week: discovering new planets, comedian Dat Phan, photographer Ron Herman, authors of ‘I Hate People!’, South Bay Guitar Society’s 25th anniversary gala.

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Adult Education Classes Threatened

Adult Education Classes Threatened

The Metropolitan Education District could be cutting all of its recreational classes for adults, due to statewide budget cuts. MetroED was once one of the most successful adult education programs in the nation, serving 115,000 students annually. Because of the cuts, 100 teachers could lose their jobs and two campuses will be shut down.

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‘Extinct’ Species Makes a Comeback

‘Extinct’ Species Makes a Comeback

The last time Franciscan manzanita was seen in nature was in 1947, in San Francisco’s Laurel Hill cemetery. The Bay Area plant, once considered extinct, was rediscovered growing on a freeway divider in October 2009. Thanks to the efforts of local biologists, it is now making a comeback, and could be reclassified as endangered.

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Internet Blocked in Egypt to Stifle Dissent

Internet Blocked in Egypt to Stifle Dissent

Facebook and Twitter aren’t the only sites being blocked by the Egyptian authorities in an effort to stifle unrest. As protesters take to the streets, the government has shut down the entire internet, leaving people to search for other means to communicate their frustration with the regime.

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