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Livefeed: Cheap, fast and good chicken soup

Livefeed: Cheap, fast and good chicken soup

The trouble with chicken soup is that it often doesn’t taste very good. The canned stuff is loaded with salt and tastes flat. Making your own is the way to go, but many people are daunted by chicken stock. Chicken broth in boxes doesn’t cut it. It tastes like it’s been seasoned with cardboard. There are countless recipes for homemade chicken stock, and I’ve tried half of them. I’ve settled on a recipe that has several compelling virtues. It’s easy. It’s quick. It’s cheap. And it tastes great.

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San Jose Airport Employee Steals $500K From Passengers

San Jose Airport Employee Steals $500K From Passengers

Micheline Johnson, a 49-year-old woman who worked for American Airlines at the Mineta San Jose International Airport, was named in a 66-count felony complaint by the Santa Clara County District Attorney’s Office, which says she stole credit card information to pile up a half-million dollar tab in gift cards and purchases at Safeway.

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Review: Enoteca La Storia

Review: Enoteca La Storia

Enoteca La Storia opened last spring, and the handsome wine bar has good looks to spare. Spindly pendant lights hang above the long bar. Opposite is well-curated selection of wine with a wide-ranging, international list. Between the bar and the wall of wine are tables for two, great seats for watching the action of the always lively bar from a discreet distance.

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Food & Wine Events: Feb. 16-23

Food & Wine Events: Feb. 16-23

We are lucky to live in such a bountiful state. Where else can you have a hands on pot sticker making competition, eat brandy-filled chocolates with presidential importance, eat and drink for a good cause and try fried grasshoppers all in one week? Some might say we’re spoiled, but for us it’s just another South Bay week. Feb. 16-23

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Reality Is Broken

Reality Is Broken

Computer games are perhaps the greatest escapist medium ever created, and in her new book, “Reality Is Broker,” futurist and author Jane McGonigal makes the case that they satisfy basic emotional needs that reality currently doesn’t.

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Subpoenaing a Facebook Page

Subpoenaing a Facebook Page

In a case of the law failing to keep up with technology, the California Supreme Court is deciding whether to review the subpoena of a juror’s Facebook page. The case has wide reaching implications about the use of social networking and blogging by jurors in California courtrooms. Florida and Georgia have already banned them. Will Californian be next?

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Sick Leave Policy Raising Eyebrows

Sick Leave Policy Raising Eyebrows

When Police Chief Rob Davis retired from the force, his compensation package included almost $300,000 in unused sick leave. Earlier, when Fire Chief Darryl Von Raesfeld retired, he received $269,000 for the days he called in healthy. Now the city’s 20-year-old sick leave policy is raising questions about retirement pay in San Jose.

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Test Driving the New Prius

Test Driving the New Prius

It will be at least a year before the new Prius goes on sale, but you may end up seeing them in San Jose before that. Toyota has decided to let city employees here and in Berkeley test drive the new model for several months before putting the cars on market. The decision to use the Bay Area as a testing ground is based on the way the car is designed for short, urban commutes.

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Sports Roundup Feb. 15-22

Sports Roundup Feb. 15-22

Sharks come home for supper; Adrian Oliver leading Spartans back to glory; Cardinal likely playing for coach’s job.

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Valentine’s Day Theft Ends with Family Dog, Truck Found

Valentine’s Day Theft Ends with Family Dog, Truck Found

The search for a 14-year-old pug and the truck she was stolen in came to an end Tuesday.

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