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Togetherness Supreme

Togetherness Supreme

(Kenya; 94 min.) All politics is local. This docudrama records the impact of the 2008 Kenyan presidential election without ever leaving the Nairobi shantytown of Kibera.

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Rains Fill Local Reservoirs

Rains Fill Local Reservoirs

The stormy winter weather over the past three days was welcomed by the the Santa Clara Valley Water District. Vasona Reservoir is now at 101 percent capacity. In the last three days alone, water reserves in the Santa Clara Valley Water District have increased by 1.5 billion gallons. Still, people should be careful not to waste water.

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SJPD Redefines Racial Profiling

SJPD Redefines Racial Profiling

The SJPD’s expanded definition of racial profiling is welcomed by officials and community groups. The new definition encompasses any act of biased behavior during an encounter with the public. The earlier definition focused on whether the reason to originally stop a person was motivated by race or ethnicity.

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Street View Coming to Israel

Street View Coming to Israel

Can’t make it for a pilgrimage to the Holy Land? Soon you’ll be able to do it from your computer, now that Google Street View is coming to Israel. The Israeli government has stepped back from its policy that Street View could assist terrorists plan attacks, and has asked a team of experts to work with Google to make it available for Israel.

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Review: ‘Deathtrap’

Review: ‘Deathtrap’

The tone (foreboding, with humorous touch of absurdity) of ‘Deathtrap’ at Northside Theatre is immediately established by the decor in Broadway thriller writer Sidney’s old colonial home, where all of the action takes place.

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To-Do List: Feb. 21-25

To-Do List: Feb. 21-25

Five reasons to look forward to the work week: The People Speak, Mobile Musings at Nokia, The Second City, Deathtrap, ChoreoProject Awards.

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Terminal B Awarded LEED Silver

Terminal B Awarded LEED Silver

Mineta Airport’s new Terminal B has been awarded the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Silver certification for its innovative approaches to energy conservation and recycling. Throughout the building, energy efficiency surpassed energy usage standards by 16 percent. Recycled materials featured prominently in the construction of the Terminal too, diverting 920 tons of discarded construction materials from landfills.

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Happy Birthday, Facebook

Happy Birthday, Facebook

Congratulations to the Ibrahim family of Egypt on the birth of their daughter. The child is one of the first to be born in a new, democratic Egypt, and the family celebrated her birth by naming her after one of the prime instigators of the revolution, Facebook.

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The Governor and the Santa Clara Stadium

The Governor and the Santa Clara Stadium

With RDA money in the lurch, the City of Santa Clara is looking for alternatives to funding the proposed stadium for the 49ers. At their meeting on Tuesday, City Councilmembers plan to send a sharp message to Governor Brown: “Hands off our stadium money.” Nevertheless, the state could seize as much as $40 million, previously earmarked for the stadium.

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Homes in the Carlton Avenue Neighborhood

Homes in the Carlton Avenue Neighborhood

The neighborhood commonly known as Carlton, located around Carlton Avenue not far from Blossom Hill Road, is in San Jose but feels a bit like nearby Los Gatos. The neighborhood is made up of ‘60s-era homes situated on big lots located on quiet side streets, and offers close-up views of the hills.

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