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City, Firefighters Reach Deal

City, Firefighters Reach Deal

City Council and the Firefighters Union have hammered out the final details of a deal that would save the city about $30 million over the next two years, while protecting firefighters from a repeat of last year’s layoffs. With an agreement in place, the proposal is expected to pass a vote by members of the union.

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National Day of Unplugging

National Day of Unplugging

The National Day of Unplugging this Saturday offers people a chance to “Turn off. Tune off. Drop in” by unplugging their cell phones and laptops. The event runs from sundown Friday evening until sundown on Saturday, and gives electronics consumers everywhere a chance to reconnect with people as people, not as bits and bytes.

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Cybercrime Thriller

Cybercrime Thriller

From the late 1990s to the mid-00s, a silent crime wave sucked billions out of banks, compromised personal privacy on a wholesale scale and exposed weaknesses in the information technology bedrock of the United States’ national security. Now there’s a window into an underworld where PIN numbers, CCV codes, passwords, Social Security numbers and answers to security questions (“Where was your mother born?”) are auctioned off like lawn dwarves on eBay.

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March 3, 2011: Today at Cinequest

March 3, 2011: Today at Cinequest

Day three features the Chilean drama “La Vida de las Pescas,” a re-cut of local favorite “Superhero Party Clown,” and a lot more. Plus the Smith Brothers with filmmaker Phillip Guzman.

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Peroformance Could Come into Play for City Layoffs

Peroformance Could Come into Play for City Layoffs

City Council voted unanimously to study the inclusion of performance evaluations in its decisions about who to lay off. At present, layoffs are based on seniority. Some 79 percent of city residents would like to see performance as a criteria for layoffs, but the unions disagree. City Council is divided on the issue, but is willing to investigate it further.

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How to Get a Student’s Attention

How to Get a Student’s Attention

An Atherton teacher is on paid administrative leave after a student called 911, complaining that he shouted at the class to get their attention. By the time police arrived, the class was underway with nothing out of the ordinary going on. Nevertheless, the school board was forced to act, pending an investigation of the incident.

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Dramatic Testimony in De Anza College Rape Trial

Dramatic Testimony in De Anza College Rape Trial

The plaintiff sobbed silently in court as a friend gave testimony against eight men who allegedly gang raped her. Seven of the eight defendants, former members of the De Anza College baseball team, are being prosecuted in civil court after both the former District Attorney and State Attorney General determined that there was insufficient evidence in the case.

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Embezzled Funds at Trace Elementary

Embezzled Funds at Trace Elementary

Anne Zingale of Trace Elementary’s Parent Teacher Organization was arrested on Wednesday for allegedly embezzling $50,000 from the Parent Teacher Organization. The arrest is the third blow faced by the school, which was all but destroyed in a fire last summer. Last month, a daycare center worker was arrested for molesting children in his care.

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Bobcat Goldthwait

Bobcat Goldthwait

His on-stage antics and that one-of-a-kind voice have made him one of comedy’s true originals. Goldthwait plays the Improv Mar. 4-6.

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Musical Charis

Musical Charis

Musical Charis plays a free show at Streetlight Records in San Jose on March 4 and later that night at the Brit in Cupertino.

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