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Parents To Be Held Accountable for Teen Drinking?

Parents To Be Held Accountable for Teen Drinking?

City Councilmember Nancy Pyle had a chance to get parents’ perspectives on a proposed city ordinance that would hold them accountable for the consequences of underage drinking parties they enabled. While the ordinance has yet to be written, supporters envision fining parents for the cost of emergency services incurred in DUIs involving teens who drank under their auspices.

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Mayor, City Council Discuss Medical Marijuana Cap

Mayor, City Council Discuss Medical Marijuana Cap

City officials want to reduce the number of medical marijuana dispensaries active in the city. According to current estimations, there are 110 dispensaries doing business in the city, but the vast majority of these are not licensed. Mayor Chuck Reed and several members of City Council want to bring that number down to just ten.

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Coalition Trying to Save State’s Parks, Farmland

Coalition Trying to Save State’s Parks, Farmland

A coalition of foundations and environmental groups are hoping to rein in development throughout the South Bay and protect the region’s natural beauty. The group, known as the Living Landscape Initiative, is not opposed to the high tech boom that fuels the growth of Silicon Valley. What they want is to maintain the balance, between housing and farmland, start-ups and forests.

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Facebook Tops List for Lent

Facebook Tops List for Lent

Forget about fasting. Forget about meat. Foregoing Facebook is the new religious rage this Lent. Throughout California, churches are reporting that more and more parishioners are giving up Facebook during these forty days of sacrifice.

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Food & Wine Events: Mar. 9-16

Food & Wine Events: Mar. 9-16

We are lucky to live in such a bountiful state. Where else can you take a cocktail mixing class, learn how to bake challah, how to taste wine just like an expert and eat some fresh, raw oysters all in one week? Some might say we’re spoiled, but for us it’s just another South Bay week. Mar. 9-16.

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Review: Station 1

Review: Station 1

Housed in a rustic, shabby chic building that was once a fire station and more recently John Bentley’s restaurant, Station 1 exudes a warm charm with its fireplace ablaze and wooden tables and wall. The food can be described as new American, but there’s a Japanese undercurrent that runs throughout the food, with delicate, well-composed plates that often appear broken down into their constituent parts.

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Firefighters Respond to Financial Disaster

Firefighters Respond to Financial Disaster

Jeff Welch, president of the firefighters union Local 230, hit the ‘reset button’  in labor negotiations with the city in an attempt to avert fiscal catastrophe.

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County Plans to Sue City over RDA Funds

County Plans to Sue City over RDA Funds

On Tuesday, San Jose City Council voted unanimously to protect at least some of its assets from being seized by Gov. Jerry Brown. The County responded within hours with a letter from its attorney, Miguel Márquez, claiming that the RDA owed it $62.9 million in back fees for services.

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Police Release Mexicali Club Shooting Video

Police Release Mexicali Club Shooting Video

Police have released a video of the shooting that took place at the Mexicali Club last January. They hope that the video will help them capture two suspects, including one as yet unidentified, who have eluded them since then. The incident left three people dead, including two other shooters.

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Rat Poison Found in Sunnyvale Dog Park

Rat Poison Found in Sunnyvale Dog Park

Someone in Sunnyvale doesn’t like dogs. Two open boxes of rat poison were found in the Las Palmas dog park in Sunnyvale. Written on the sides of the boxes were “Kill all dogs” and “All dogs must die.” Police are currently investigating the crime.

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