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Robert Gibbs Offered Job at Facebook

Robert Gibbs Offered Job at Facebook

With Facebook now valued at $85 billion, the company is looking for ways to polish its corporate image, especially in places like Washington, D.C. One possibility for a new company spokesman is the recently unemployed Robert Gibbs, who just stepped down from the position of White House Press Secretary.

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Review: Cirque du Soleil’s ‘Quidam’

Review: Cirque du Soleil’s ‘Quidam’

If you put the past, our present, and Quidam in a cauldron, and give it a stir at 98.5 degrees, you’ll find yourself having a cathartic release from your life for a good two hours. When that soup is done simmering, the applause dies down, and the lights come up, you will find yourself satisfied, humbled, entertained and somehow connected to the two women next to you wearing sensible shoes and comfortable sweatshirts.

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Teatro Vision: ‘Bless Me, Ultima’

Teatro Vision: ‘Bless Me, Ultima’

Teatro Vision takes its audience on a magical adventure in the new production, ‘Bless Me, Ultima,’ based on the novel by Rudolfo Anaya. The production runs through Apr. 3.

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Wael Ghonim to Receive Profile in Courage Award

Wael Ghonim to Receive Profile in Courage Award

The most recent recipient of the JFK Profile in Courage Award is Google executive Wael Ghonim, who became a face of the pro-democracy uprising in Egypt.

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Will Virtual Girlfriends Take Off?

Will Virtual Girlfriends Take Off?

The new trend for men is adultescence, that long transitionary period between adolescence and adulthood, rife with signs of both. They can now sign up to get a “Cloud Girlfriend,” a virtual partner who fulfills their every fantasy and doesn’t cost a penny. It’s a Facebook friend with benefits, and it’s not real.

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Police Raid Theater Group over Prop

Police Raid Theater Group over Prop

If the Bard is correct and “All the world’s a stage,” then parking lots are part of that stage. Perhaps that was the idea behind a series of brief productions by the San Jose State University theater group. Their actors were performing Car Play, six theatrical sketches lasting 10 minutes each, but instead of using an auditorium, they were using a university parking garage. Ibsen be damned. This was realism at its finest.

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Review: Chez Sovan

Review: Chez Sovan

I’ve heard about Chez Sovan for years as one of San Jose’s best hole-in-the-wall eateries, and now I get what all the fuss is about. It’s a friendly neighborhood restaurant with a devoted following and a solid menu of satisfying food. That’s a recipe for success.

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Qayoumi Named President of SJSU

Qayoumi Named President of SJSU

Mohammad Qayoumi , the son of a carpenter from rural Afghanistan and mother who was illiterate, Qayoumi believed in the power of education to raise him up from his humble beginnings. This summer he will be assuming the position of President of San Jose State University.

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Outrageous Apple Apps Stir Controversy

Outrageous Apple Apps Stir Controversy

Feeling guilty about being gay? Apple has an app for that, or at least it did. It was the ex-gay ministry’s Exodus International app, intended to put people back on the straight and narrow (minded) path.

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The Mumlers

The Mumlers

Spinning tales of love and life on the fringe, the Mumlers bring their indie-folk collective to the Blank Club on Sat. Mar. 26.

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