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Fundraiser Held to Support Beaten Giants Fan

Fundraiser Held to Support Beaten Giants Fan

Over 2,500 people showed up for a fundraiser to support the family of Bryan Stow, a local paramedic who was beaten in the parking lot of Dodgers Stadium last Thursday, apparently for wearing a Giants shirt.

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Future Depends on Open Source

Future Depends on Open Source

Last week’s open source summit, put on at Ames Research Center and sponsored by NASA, showed programmers are building a virtual world together.

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Ghost Fights for Superstar Status

Ghost Fights for Superstar Status

The buildup to a Robert Guerrero fight wouldn’t be right unless there was a sense that the South Bay native was yet again on the cusp of becoming one of boxing’s biggest stars. And yet, something seems to be different this time around.

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Green Shoots

Green Shoots

Opening a restaurant is a risky proposition in the best of times. Statistics vary, but a study conducted by the Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly in 2005 found that more than a quarter of all new restaurants closed or changed hands in the first year. In year two, the figure jumped to 60 percent. So you might think that opening a restaurant during a recession would be suicidal. Stett Holbrook profiles four new restaurants bucking the conventional wisdom.

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Food & Wine Events: April 6-13

Food & Wine Events: April 6-13

We are lucky to live in such a bountiful state. Where else can you walk through one vineyard on foot and ride through another on horseback, enjoy a four-course dinner in an intimate setting and learn how to throw a real tea party all in one week? Some might say we’re spoiled, but for us it’s just another South Bay week. April 6-13.

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President Obama Coming to Facebook

President Obama Coming to Facebook

Now that he has officially announced that he is running for re-election, President Barack Obama will be returning to Silicon Valley later this month.

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Caltrain Announces Service Cuts, Fare Hike

Caltrain Announces Service Cuts, Fare Hike

Faced with a $30 million deficit, Caltrain CEO Mike Scanlon announced a series of service cuts. The cuts are intended to help the rail system operate over the next year or two. Officials warn, however, that a longer term solution would require an infusion of public funding, and that would mean a voter-approved tax hike.

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Falcon Egg Hatches at City Hall

Falcon Egg Hatches at City Hall

Clara and Esteban Colbert are once again the proud parents of a young chick. One of the four eggs laid on their City Hall ledge has hatched. The remaining eggs are expected to hatch over the next few days, and Clara will brood over her young for about two weeks.

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Google to Help Mountain View Students

Google to Help Mountain View Students

Google has announced that it is donating $1 million to the Mountain View Whisman School District.

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Katzenberg Joins Zynga Board

Katzenberg Joins Zynga Board

DreamWorks CEO Jeffery Katzenberg has joined the board of Zynga.

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