Search results for - page 237

Loudness at the Avalon

Loudness at the Avalon

The first Japan-based glam-metal band to be signed to a major U.S. label performs Tuesday, May 10, at the Avalon.

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Big House Fire Near SJSU

Big House Fire Near SJSU

Firefighters responded to a three-alarm house fire near San Jose State University early Monday morning, a fire spokesman said.

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Scammers Using Google Images

Scammers Using Google Images

Have you ever clicked on a Google image, only to be directed to a site warning you that your computer is at risk of infection and will be compromised if you don’t click on their brand spanking new antivirus software? Do you click or don’t you? Hopefully you don’t. This is the latest scam being perpetrated by malware manufacturers. They are using innocuous Google images—the ones that happen to be trending at the time—to get users to visit their sites.

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Social Media Helps Decide the News You Read

Social Media Helps Decide the News You Read

With the decline of newspapers across America, more and more people are turning to the Internet for their latest news fix. It certainly has its advantages, especially for news junkies.

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Things To Do: May 9-13

Things To Do: May 9-13

Five reasons to look forward to the work week: Santana Row wine tasting, Loudness, DJ Battle, Jon Nakamatsu, Friday the 13th Masquerade Party.

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Cinco de Mayo Turns Violent

Cinco de Mayo Turns Violent

Rowdy Cinco de Mayo celebrations in San Jose Thursday night and early this morning led to a couple of violent incidents, several arrests, and damage to a building in the city.

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Homes in Berryessa

Homes in Berryessa

There’s something inviting about the north valley community of Berryessa. This quiet residential San Jose neighborhood, bordering Milpitas, is well-stocked with single-family homes and is solidly middle class with a very diverse population. There are a number of Berryessa homes for sale right now, in a variety of price ranges, that cater to families with kids.

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Finding OBL on Google Maps

Finding OBL on Google Maps

It seems that few Google mappers have spent any time in scenic Abbottabad, and though the media keeps telling us that the compound stuck out like a minaret in a megachurch, apparently that wasn’t enough intel for the erstwhile cartooglegraphers. Unlike JSOC, they got the wrong compound.

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Cinco de Mayo Party Guide

Cinco de Mayo Party Guide

A look at the best parties, concerts and events for Cinco de Mayo fun in Silicon Valley.

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Cinco de Mayo

Cinco de Mayo

A guide to the best parties, concerts and events for Cinco de Mayo in Silicon Valley.

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