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Sharks Fans To Rally in Streets

Sharks Fans To Rally in Streets

San Jose Sharks fans will be rallying downtown in the streets before tonight’s playoff game against the Vancouver Canucks.

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Mac Users Report More Malware

Mac Users Report More Malware

It has long been accepted dogma among Mac users that their operating system is immune to the malware threats that plague other computers of the kind best personified by John Hodgman. Until now.

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Review: Kabab & Curry’s

Review: Kabab & Curry’s

Tandoori chicken at Kabab & Curry’s is addictive. Unlike many tandoori dishes out there, this one is moist and tender, and practically falls off the bone, without being at all greasy. The spice hits the tongue in clusters—smoky here, tangy there, complementing the flavor of the chicken rather than overwhelming it. Definitely worth a trip to Santa Clara.

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Embezzling PTO President Pleading No Contest

Embezzling PTO President Pleading No Contest

The former president of the parent-teacher organization at San Jose’s Trace Elementary School pleaded no contest to embezzling more than $20,000.

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Secret Service Slams Fox News on Twitter

Secret Service Slams Fox News on Twitter

A mistake on the Secret Service’s Twitter account has left the agency scrambling to apologize after a member criticized Fox News.

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Civil Suit Follows Murder Convictions

Civil Suit Follows Murder Convictions

A civil suit has been filed against the men convicted of murdering Los Gatos restaurateur Mark Achilli.

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Amgen Tour Hits San Jose

Amgen Tour Hits San Jose

Cyclists in the 2011 Tour of California are up against what race analysts are calling the most difficult tour yet—and it’s because of the hills.

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Leopard Sharks Under Attack

Leopard Sharks Under Attack

Scores of leopard sharks have been found thrashing and dying in the shallows of San Francisco Bay from Palo Alto to Marin, and the cause of an apparent epidemic eludes baffled scientists.

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Food & Wine Events: May 18-25

Food & Wine Events: May 18-25

We are lucky to live in such a bountiful state. Where else can you walk through a quaint town with a glass of wine, learn how to cook authentic Mexican food with a story, and feast on a traditional Jewish meal while learning about history all in one week? Some might say we’re spoiled, but for us it’s just another South Bay week. May 18-25.

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What a Championship Would Mean to San Jose

What a Championship Would Mean to San Jose

In rare instances, teams and the people who come together around them develop an identity. The San Jose Sharks and their fans also have an identity, going from new kids on the block two decades ago to anxious also-rans, making it just a bit farther in the playoffs each season before the trap door gives way. It’s getting to be a bit old.

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