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Internet Privacy Bill Killed

Internet Privacy Bill Killed

Today, the default on Facebook and other social networking sites is that your information is public unless you opt to make it private. After considerable complaints about privacy protections, State Senate Majority Leader Ellen Corbett (D-San Leandro) came up with a simple but ingenious idea. Why not make the default for everything but your name and city private, and give people the option of deciding what other information they want to make public?

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Dangerous Highway To Undergo Construction

Dangerous Highway To Undergo Construction

Highway 17 has long had a reputation as one of the most dangerous highways in the state. The shoulders are narrow shoulders and the road turns sharply, often with blind curves ahead. Then there is the weather—rain, ice, and the occasional snowfall make 17 especially slippery. Add to that increasing traffic density and the possibility of a deer wandering onto the highway, and this vital artery can become a nightmare for drivers, even along the Safety Corridor connecting Los Gatos with Scotts Valley.

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Things To Do: June 6-10

Things To Do: June 6-10

Five reasons to look forward to the work week: a special needs benefit concert, pub trivia, author Lian Gouw, The Original Stone City Band with So Timeless, Aussie comedian Jim Jeffries.

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Sandoval Suits Up for San Jose

Sandoval Suits Up for San Jose

After being on the mend with a broken right hand, Pablo Sandoval is slated to take the field Friday and Saturday for the San Jose Giants as part of his rehabilitation assignment.

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Livefeed: Live Power Community Farm

Livefeed: Live Power Community Farm

Watching Decater glide the plow over the field, it would be easy to write off his animal-and-solar-powered farm as archaic, silly even. But is it? Decater does use a few tractors to bale hay and perform a few other tasks, but most work is performed by animals, i.e., live power. Long ago, Decater decided to opt out of the market economy and run Live Power as a community-supported farm.

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Local Designer Accused of Grand Theft

Local Designer Accused of Grand Theft

Julie Cavanaugh, owner of Design 101, was considered to be one of the best designers in Los Gatos. On Wednesday, she was arrested and charged with grand theft, attempted grand theft, and forgery.

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How Far Will People Go to Get an iPad?

How Far Will People Go to Get an iPad?

An iPad 2 is the latest rage in China. A teen wanted one so badly that he reportedly sold a kidney.

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Patent ‘Troll’ Sues Apple’s Independent Developers

Patent ‘Troll’ Sues Apple’s Independent Developers

Lodsys has been claiming that patents which it licenses to Apple do not cover independent developers who create apps for Apple products.

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Dodgeball Growing in San Jose

Dodgeball Growing in San Jose

For those who long for the good old days of supervised playground violence, dodgeball is growing in popularity in San Jose. Xoso Sport & Social League puts a unique spin on the schoolyard favorite that starts with requiring women on each team and ends with postgame drinks at local bars.

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Nice and Slow

Nice and Slow

Sous vide cooking, once the plaything of avant-garde chefs, is now available for the home cook, but will the technology become as indispensable as the microwave or will the newfangled device go the way of the Salad Shooter? Only time will tell. One thing’s for sure, the sous vide turns out an incredible 11-hour egg.

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