Search results for - page 221

Review: ‘The Servant of Two Masters’

Review: ‘The Servant of Two Masters’

The small dose of campiness in CTC’s version of ‘The Servant of Two Masters’ freshens up the 350-year-old-plus play.

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Senator Pushes for More Info on Security Breaches

Senator Pushes for More Info on Security Breaches

Banks will be forced to do a better job in alerting identity theft victims of security breaches if State Sen. Joe Simitian’s bill passes.

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NASCAR Makes Sonoma Stop

NASCAR Makes Sonoma Stop

The Bay Area may be diverse, but it has nothing on the cornucopia of characters who attend a day at the raceway. Everyone from the Porsche club president to Jethro’s cousin Cletus can find a place to call home when NASCAR comes to town.

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Could Netflix Be Getting into Comedy?

Could Netflix Be Getting into Comedy?

Regardless of where Netflix ends up, one thing is certain. It is hoping to expand its brand to include original programming.

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Who Wants to Buy Hulu?

Who Wants to Buy Hulu?

The LA Times has reported that Yahoo is eying Hulu in the hope of purchasing the video streaming company. Citing “a person with knowledge of the matter,” they add that there is no indication as to whether the company is interested in selling.

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Groupon Takes Bigger Office Space in Silicon Valley

Groupon Takes Bigger Office Space in Silicon Valley

Groupon may have gotten its start in Chicago, but everything about it is Silicon Valley.

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Online Farming Surpasses On-field Farming

Online Farming Surpasses On-field Farming

Farming is making a comeback, and it’s not just the fans of local food and organic produce who are behind the shift. It’s the Internet. About 20 percent of the total population now plays Zynga’s Farmville.

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Sean Connery’s Letter to Steve Jobs is Fake, Unfortunately.

Sean Connery’s Letter to Steve Jobs is Fake, Unfortunately.

Sean Connery’s missive was the “Best letter ever!” if you trust what people say on Twitter, but The Washington Post has discovered that Connery’s letter to Steve Jobs was actually a fake, put out by the humor site Scoopertino.

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Japan Builds Fastest Computer in the World

Japan Builds Fastest Computer in the World

Japan has announced a new supercomputer, the Fujitsu K, which it says will be capable of doing 10 quadrillion (1 followed by 15 zeros) equations per second, making it more powerful than the combined capabilities of the next five supercomputers in the world.

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LulzSec Strikes Again and Again. Hacker Arrested in Britain

LulzSec Strikes Again and Again. Hacker Arrested in Britain

LulzSec has been making some new friends and some powerful enemies over the weekend. Rumors that the group was feuding with Anonymous, another famous hacker consortium, proved to be little more than wishful thinking, now that the two groups have announced that they will be collaborating to take on banks and government agencies.

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